Chapter 25

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S: somethings changed between us
At this point I knew I had to tell her about James
M: well someone was at my house when I got home
S: are you...
M: no no no I'm not cheating on you I swear!
S: then who was at your house?
M: James
S: James like the James from music class?
M: yes
S: why'd he come to your house? How'd he know where you lived?
M: he came over because he wanted me to back off with hanging out with you and he said he saw me sneaking into your house and all that but I don't know how he knew where I lived
S: well I don't want you to back off me,your the best thing that ever happened to me
I smiled
M: well while at school you two hangout an I'll hangout with you after school
S: doesn't seem fair :/ because at school James hasn't talked to me once an hasn't hung out with me at all
M: well if he doesn't hangout with you then you can come to my classroom
S: okay good
M: oh by the way if I'm not in my classroom then I'll be in the cabin
S: okay but why would you be in there?
M: sometimes I have to go in there to discuss things with other teachers
S: oh okay,hang on a second someone's knocking on my bedroom door
M: okay :)
I waited a few minutes till she came back
S: I'm back,guess who's here with me
M: who?
S: James
M: let me guess you had to change my last name to Johnson?
S: yeah I did
M: thought so
S: I don't want him here,I'm scared and I don't feel comfortable
M: don't worry about him okay? I've got a plan
S: okay
I stopped texting her and found her in my contacts and started to call her
M: hey babe
S: hey Mikey
M: what's up?
S: just hanging here with James
M: okay,may I say hello?
S: sure
I heard her put me on speaker
M: yo! James what's up Ma man?
J: not much Michael what about you?
M: not much just talking to my hot beautiful friend
S: okay that's enough
She said taking me off speaker and left her phone on so I could hear there conversation "wow I never knew Michael talked like that" "he does at times" "it doesn't suit him" "haha I thought it was pretty funny" "I guess it was a little funny" I started walking around the house doing things with my phone up to my ear but I was most paying attention when I heard "so you know I love you" "I love you too" "I mean I love love you" "as in you have feelings for me?" "I have ever since primary school" "really?" "Yes" I stopped walking and stood still "well I've always loved you as a friend" "you sure?" He said as I heard him leaning over Michelle "yes I'm sure plus I've already got a boyfriend" "who?" I heard her pause "Michael Jackson" I giggled knowing it was true "but his never going to visit you" I instantly thought of an idea so I quickly got dressed into my famous gold suit and ran to Michelle's house and knocked on the door.

Michelle's POV/ perfect
I walked to the door with James behind me "hel-" I stopped in my tracks pretending to be excited and started to cry happy tears "OMG your Michael Jackson!" "Yes I indeed am" "awesome! Omg I'm a huge fan of you and those gold pants I literally die over those" I saw that he blushed "you always get embarrassed whenever someone mentions gold pants "of course because something sticks out" "Mikey Junior" "what? Who's Mikey Junior?" "Us moonwalkers call the thing that sticks out Mikey Junior" he blushed the whole time I was speaking "can I get a photo with you?" "Of course" we took a photo together "can I have your autograph?" He giggled "of course" I grabbed out a piece of paper and gave it to him and he handed it back "now the reason I came here is because our car broke down and I need a place to stay till it's all fixed up" "you can stay here for as long as you like" "can I check with your parents?" "Sure" I walked to my parents and they followed me to the door "may I stay here? My car broke down and needs to be fixed I'll only be staying here till it's all fixed then I'll be out of your hair" "of course you can! Come on in" they let him in and I followed him "I'll show him around the house" "good idea" me and Michael left the lounge room and we went around the house but when we got to my room we stopped "what made you come around?" "I heard what he said and thought it would be a good idea to trick him" I kissed him "well it was a great idea" We smiled at each other "how badly do you want me?" "Really bad" "are you just wearing those gold pants to tease me?" "Yes" then we heard a knock on the door "and this is my room" "it's beautifully decorated" "thank you" we walked to the door and saw James there "hey James" "hey Michelle look I gotta go home I'll see you at school though" "okay bye" "bye" James walked out of my room and out of the house "so yeah that's the whole house" I said while we walked to the lounge room "great now I'll know where the facilities are" "yeah" we sat down next to each other "where do I sleep miss..." "Rose" "miss rose" "you'll be sleeping on the second bed in my daughters room" "sounds good" he whispered to me "I just hope she doesn't try to do what Jordan did to me" I shook my head

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now