Chapter 90

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After an hour or two of being awake on my computer i checked the time and it was 7:00am and i felt so tired so i got up and started walking to my bed when Prince walked up to me and said "hey Shelly what are you doing up so early?" "I got woken up at 5:00am and I've been awake for two hours,i fell asleep at 3:00am from studying then my brother woke me up at 5:00am and now i need to sleep" "okay well have a good sleep" "thank you" I said walking to my room and tucking myself into bed "goodnight Michael" I said putting my hand in the blank space on my bed.

I woke up again and saw the time "12:00pm? I slept that long?" I whispered to myself then I started hearing someone talking "where is she?" "Shell?" "Yes where is shelly?" "In her bed sleeping" "she never sleeps this long" "she was up late last night" I started getting out of bed and going to where the talking was coming from "i know that i was on the phone with her" "she said that she was doing some research till 3am then she got woken up by her brother at 5am and she was awake till 7am so she went to bed then" "I'm not sure if she would be so tired from all that" "she would be,if i got woken up a lot i wouldn't be awake so early" I started walking closer when suddenly I accidentally bump my toe on the corner "shoot!" I whispered to my self "shelly?" I heard someone say but I kept quiet "shelly is that you?" I had to walk out there "Y-Y-Yes" I said walking to their view "what are you doing up sweetie?" Michael said walking over to me giving me a hug "i heard you guys yelling at each other" I said trying to keep my happy tear at bay "its okay we weren't yelling we were just talking" he said still not letting me go out of the hug "I missed your hugs so much" I whispered into his chest "I missed your hugs too" he said giving a kiss to the top of my head.

After a few minutes of being in each others arms we finally broke the hug "I missed you so much,I promise I won't do that mistake ever again" "I missed you too and I know you won't do it ever again" we smiled at each other but as I looked over at Prince i saw him frowning not being happy for us at all "Prince I just want to thank you for all the babysitting you did for me and my brother and i want you to know that we appreciated you taking care of us" "its been a pleasure taking care of you and your brother,I've really enjoyed every moment with you and your brother" "I've enjoyed being around you too" "make sure you at least call me every now and then,we could all hangout sometime" "thank you for the offer" "your welcome" "let me show you to the front door" I said as we walked him to the front door "Prince?" I heard my brother say "yes Aiden?" "Are you leaving already?" "Yes i have to go do some stuff but I'll see you whenever I can" "okay bye" Aiden said giving Prince a hug "bye Aiden" Prince said hugging him then unlocking the hug and walking away.

"Hey Aiden" Michael said to Aiden "oh hey Michael" Aiden said in a not surprised voice "what's wrong?" "You keep disappearing" "i know i do but being an adult with a job is hard and gives me hardly anytime to do anything" "don't they give you holidays?" "Yes they do but not very often" "okay well maybe you can ask for a holiday" "I don't think it works that way they want me to work for a holiday" "so you can earn it?" "Yep" "I should let you guys talk,I'm going to go get ready for the afternoon" "okay,we'll see you when you get out" "actually i have to go back to Blake's place for a study session" Aiden said "okay well you better be home before eleven o'clock" I said strictly "I promise to be home by ten" "good" I said giving him a hug.

I went to my room and grabbed new clothes and underwear then i walked into the bathroom,i put my clothes down on the floor in the back corner then I started my shower.

When i was doing my hair with conditioner i felt someone else's hands in my hair as I screamed someone put their hand over their mouth "ahhh what the hell?" I said turning around to see Michael "you going to stop screaming now?" I nodded my head "good" he took his hand off my mouth "you could have at least warned me" I said trying to calm myself down "I'm sorry" he said hugging me "it's alright Mikey" we unlocked the hug and continued to wash each others hair and bodies.

"Shelly" "yes Michael?" "You know how much I love you right?" "Yes" "can I show it to you?" He said as the water was still running while we were in the shower "yes Michael please" I said smiling with excitement as he started kissing me on the neck and gliding his hands up and down my wet body "mmm Michael" I moaned as he picked me up and sat me down on the shower counter "Shelly" "yes?" "I love you so so much and I don't ever want to be a day without you ever again" he said as he prepared himself to enter me "I don't want to be a day without you either Michael, I love you so so much" I said as he entered me "fuck i still haven't gotten used to your size" I said laughing and Michael laughed too "wait Michael..." I said stopping him from thrusting "you don't have a condom on" I said scared

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