Chapter 76

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When i woke up i saw a white roof and as i got up i saw everything else i was in sick bay and i saw Casey,Taylor,James and llana all sitting there on the chairs talking to one another then they noticed i was awake when i sat up "hmm hey guys" i said rubbing my head "how's the wrist?" "it doesn't hurt anymore but you know i wouldve been much happier if i woke up in my bed at home" they all laughed "wouldnt have we all" "how did i get here?" "me and Mr Jackson carried you since we gathered you wouldnt wake up for a while" Casey said "thank you Casey" i said hugging him "thank you all for waiting for me to wake up" i said while hugging them all then sitting back down on the bed "your welcome" they all said "ah she's finally awake!" i heard one of the office people say "yep" i said giggling "what time is it?" i asked "two o'clock" "really?" "yes,these four should be in class but they begged me to let them stay to make sure you were alright when you woke up so i had to ring there teachers" "you guys shouldnt have" i said smiling "Michelle" "yes?" i said looking up at the office lady "We rang your mother and father,they'll be picking you up soon" "you shouldnt have really,i want to stay at school" "its best if you get your rest,especially with that wrist with the way it is" "Yeah shell you should get some rest" Taylor said "we can do our project another time" Casey said "we can visit you all the time too" Llana said "please shelly just get your rest,come back to school when your one hundred percent with that wrist" "but i get the bandage off soon i just have to keep it on for like a few more days" "i dont care young lady you get your rest!" Taylor said to me in a motherly voice.

We all laughed "plus we can practise our lines at your house anyway Shelly" "yeah i guess so" "and we can study hachiko at your house too" "yes we can" i heard a knock on the door "Michelle your parents are here to pick you up" "thank you" i said slowly getting up and grabbing my bag and as i was going to put it on my back Casey stopped me "let me hold it until you get out there to them" "thank you casey" i said smiling at him then looking at my friends as they stood up and we hugged each other in a group hug then we broke the hug and said our goodbyes.

I walked up to my parents and hugged them "hey ma,hey pa" i said smiling as i broke the hug and looked back at Casey "mother,father this is Casey my friend" "hello Casey" "hi its nice to meet you" he said shaking their hand "this is Taylor,James and Llana" "hello Taylor James and llana" "hey!" they said to my parents waving as they moved to class "well honey we should get going" "okay just hang on a sec" i said about to turn to Casey but i felt my bag on my back so i turned around and hugged him "thank you for helping me" "your welcome Shelly,i'll see you tomorrow afternoon at 4pm okay?" "okay" "bye" he said walking away and waving "bye!" i said waving back "ready to go honey?" "yep!" i said as we walked out of the office.

As we were walking home we made small talk "honey we have something to tell you" "okay what is it?" "me and your father wont be home for long" "why?" "because one of our friends are having a party in Queensland so you'll be home alone for a few weeks or a month" "okay" "so dont forget to take your medicine" "okay" i said as we reached home.

i walked into my room and shut the door while i laid down in bed and rested my wrist "okay darling we are heading off now" they said coming into my room "alright,see you when you get back then" "okay bye honey" my father said hugging me "bye sweetie" my mother said hugging me as well "bye guys" i said as they broke the hug and ran out of my room and ran outside of the house "so i got this whole place to myself? for how long? few weeks to a month? what am i going to do?" i started thinking to myself as to what i could do then suddenly i got a text so i grabbed my phone and read it 'hey shelly Casey and Llana wanted me to let you know that they'll be over in a couple of hours so be ready to rehearse and study' i smiled and replied back with 'alright thank you,by the way i have the whole house to myself for a few weeks maybe even for a month' i sent it and waited for her reply 'thats great! we could have a party!' i giggled 'no i'm not having a party! i have other plans' 'ooo like what?' 'none of yo business gurl!' i said thinking about me and Michael hanging out 'imma be listening up close to your house then if you dont tell meh' 'i will be....DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....rehearsing ma damn lines! and studying!!' 'oh my god you are so boring!  You have got to have fun sometimes' 'dont worry! i've got a plan for the weekends' 'ooo like what?' 'tell you later,continue on with your work that i know you have FOCUS!!!' 'yeah yeah whatever' she said and that was the last time she texted me.

i laid down in bed and started thinking about that time that Michael came over and we were home alone and i lost my virginity to him that was the most amazing,pleasure able time in my life,his moaning and sweet voice still rings through my ears...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now