Chapter 83

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it was Llana "Llana what are you doing here?" "let me in" "okay but you cant be here much longer" "okay" i opened the door "whats wrong?" "is shelly okay? how was her appointment? is she still in pain? will she be alright? Will she be coming back to school soon?" "Shelly is fine,her appointment was fine,shes not going to be in anymore pain,yes she will be alright and she should be back at school after the weekend" "okay thats good can you tell her i said hi?" "of course and just so you dont find it weird i am babysitting Michelle while her parents are away" she muttered under her breath "pardon?" "nothing" "okay well you better get back to class" "okay well bye Mr Jackson" "bye Llana" i said shutting the door.

As my class was going out of the classroom a girl came up to me "umm Mr Jackson?" "yes?" i looked up "oh hello Isabella" "Hi Mr Jackson i have a question for you" i sat down "whats the question?" "did you teach Michelle Rose those amazing talents at the competition?" "yes of course" "wow! how much practise did it take?" "alot of practise but she eventually got there" "okay because i would love it if i got some lessons from you" "I'm not available for after school lessons at the moment as i am babysitting as well" "how much do you get paid for babysitting?" "nothing because i'm babysitting one of the students ive known for a very long time while her parents are away for a month" "wow,poor girl having to be away from her parents for a month" "i have to take very good care of her because she hurt her wrist and just got the bandage off,they found bruises on her wrist so i have to make sure the bruises go away so she can come back to school" "oh okay well maybe we could do our practise when you arent babysitting" "i'll see what i can do" "thank you sir,i'll see you on Monday" "see you then" i started packing up my stuff and heading home.

While i was walking home i ran into Michelle's brother,Aiden "Hey Aiden! wait up!" i said walking with him home "how was your day?" "it was great! i cant wait until the holidays" "you dislike school that much?" "i dont dislike it,i do like it but its just that the holidays are so fun!" "all you want is your parents to come back dont you?" "yes i miss them so much they never take care of me and my sister and i want us to go on a holiday so we can get to know each other better and spend more time together" "that sounds beautiful" "i consider my sister my guardian,my parent" "really?" "yes and i consider you my brother,my father"i was shocked by this "really?" "yes" "maybe when your father comes back you can improve your friendship together" "but i dont want to even talk to him" "you'll have to at some point" "i know but your a father figure to me" "how about when your father comes home i come with you to a park with your father" "thats sounds good" we kept talking on the way home.

We walked to the front door "Shelly we're home" she got up and opened the door "how was school bro?" "it was good i guess" he said walking into his room "now about the computer room" "what about it?" "i still havent seen it" i face palmed "hey Aiden!" "yes Michael?" "can you show me to the computer room?" "sure!" i sat down 'he has his ways of getting himself into things' i layed down on the couch with my hand resting on a foot rest "this is going to be so bad! his going to laugh and everything!" i said to myself and then i heard his laugh "great his seen it!" i say face palming then laying my hand back down to rest "Shelly,come in here!" he said 'oh god!' i said getting up "i'll be right there!" i walked into the computer room to see Michael sitting down on my computer desk chair "now this,is cute" he said pointing to the lipstick on his cheek on a poster "i have never worn lipstick!" i said nervously embarrased "obviously you did all the wise that lipstick mark wouldnt be stuck on there" he said trying to rub it off with his fingers "See" i sat down at the other chair next to the computer desk "its true,i kissed my posters but its better to do this" i said giving him a kiss for a minute "than to kiss a poster" he smiled "yes thats true"

I went into my room to study things until i heard a knock on my door after a few minutes "who is it?" "Michael" i turned my seat around and opened the door "whats up?" "may i come in?" "of course" i sat back down at my study desk while Michael layed down on my bed "i've been thinking..." "about what?" "about what you said this morning" "about Prince?" "yeah..." "i know that i shouldnt have done it but you understand right?" "i wasnt focusing properly at school because of that,i was worried you were going to do it again,thats why i havent trusted you being with Prince or being around Prince" "i understand that now" "do you promise on your life you swear you wont do it again?" "i promise,i swear on my life,i swear i wont do it again" he shut my door and turned my chair around.

He started kissing me on the lips then he carried me to my bed and put his legs on either side of me and started kissing me from my lips to my stomach "mmm Michael we cant mmm my brother is home" "i know but i want to treat you a lesson!" "later tonight" "how late?" "until we are certain his absolutely asleep because my brother is a very deep sleeper" "okay thats good but i dont think i can wait that long" he said grabbing my hand and putting it on his crotch area of his pants "woah tiger,you better settle that little monster down" "i'll try my best" 

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now