Chapter 16

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He turned around and i went into the laundry and grabbed a bucket then went back inside the house and gave it to him "please dont make me do this" "Well how else am i going to pretend to be sick?" i thought about it for a few minutes "i'll go grab my extra paint and mix it to look like puke" "okay,you know your smarter than i thought" "thank you" i went back into my room quietly careful to not wake up Michael and got down on my knees "morning honey" "good morning" "i wish it wasnt another school day" "same so then we could lay in bed and hug all day" "i would love that" we smiled at each other "Todays Friday..." "yeah" "so i could ask if you could stay over again tonight" "i would absolutely love that!" i got up and hugged him "can i have a kiss" "sure" i kissed him on the cheek "can i have a kiss here" he pointed to his lips "go brush your teeth first" "you know your going to kiss me one morning without me brushing my teeth" "how do you know that?" then he pushed his head onto mine and kissed me on the lips for a few seconds then broke it "hey!" "hello" "that actually wasnt too bad can i get another?" "sure" we kissed again for about five minutes then broke it "wow,when did you get up?" "a few seconds before you went into your brothers room" "oh" "by the way why were you giving him a bucket?" "because he wants to pretend his sick so he doesnt have to go to school" "can i talk to him?" "yes of course" Michael got up and out of bed then started walking to my door "wait Michael" i pointed to the rip "i still have to sew that up" "oh" "and your going to need to get out of them for me to do that" "oh yeah" he got out of the pants and was in his underwear then got changed into one of the slacks he left here before and i gave him some underwear to change into "did you want me to turn around?" he shook his head "your bound to see it one day" i giggled and grabbed my paint then shut my door while i went into my brothers room "here just use enough to make it a brown and here add these in as well because when you actually puke,little balls are always in it" "thank you so much sis" "no problem" i waited till he put enough paint in for it to be brown and till he put the little balls in to go tell mum and dad.

Mum and Dad came into his room "thank you honey for letting me know" "no problem me and Michael are going to head to school soon because Michael doesnt like getting sick" "i bet its just something he had" "maybe anyway i'll see you when i get back home Aiden" "okay bye" "bye get well soon" "thanks sis bye" "bye" i went back into my room and saw Michael just put his slacks onto his waist "welcome back" "thanks" i shut my door but left it a little bit open, i moved myself to the wall near my door and Michael came up to me with his hands on either side of my head against the wall "i want to kiss you so badly" "what are you waiting for?" he instantly started kissing me after i said that and while he kissed me i placed my hands on his hips.I pulled him towards me so our bodies were touching but we got interrupted by my mum knocking on the door so i opened the door and left Michael behind the door "hey honey do you mind if you stay home today? me and your father made some plans today" "i dont mind at all" i said while my mother smiled and thanked me then walked away.I closed the door as the same amount as it was before and saw that Michael was upset "i know it sucks" "yeah it does,maybe if you talk some sense into him he'll come to school" "yeah i'll go do that" "thank you so much" i reopened the door for Michael and i saw him go into my brothers room,i closed the door and got changed into a white jumper,black skirt and black boots then put my curly black hair wig on and opened my door "hey Mikey" i said to him since he was standing right infront of the door "hello beautiful" i blushed "is that your opinion on how i look or just how you wanted to say hello?" "both,my opinion and how i wanted to say hello" "well thats very kind of you,oh and before i forget someone said there going to cover for me today" "at the school?" "yeah some lady wanted to see what music class would be like if she were to join teaching the teens in her own classroom" "wow okay so you get a day off to?" "yep" i smiled happily "by the way did you talk some sense into my brother?" "yeah he said his going to go to school" "awesome we get the house to ourselves for the day" "sounds like an awesome plan to me" we smiled at each other and hugged.

My parents left home at 7:50AM and my brother has left the house at 8:30AM the usual time,so we had the house to ourselves "what are we going to do now?" "hmm maybe we could makeout and see where it goes" "if it leads to doing the dirty i dont want to do it" "i'll try not to take it that far" "thank you" we went into the loungeroom and played some music while making out on the floor but someone disturbed us "who could that be?" "i dont know but you better fix yourself up before they notice something" "yeah see you again soon" i got up and fixed myself up then went to the front door "hello" "hey my name is Touka Miller,is Michael here?" "no his not im afraid,sorry" "its okay and may i ask why your not at school?" "yes you may,i'm not at school because my brothers sick he ate something this morning that made him start throwing up" "oh i hope he gets better,is it okay if i give you my number?" "um sure but why?" "just in case Michael comes around you give me a call okay?" "okay thank you" i opened the door and grabbed her number...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now