Chapter 8

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Before i went back to Taylor i of course went to Michael's classroom and checked on him,i saw him sitting on a stool by himself with no one in the class room so of course i knocked on his music room door "Who is it?" he said in a sad tone of voice so i decided to reply "Michael its me Michelle may i come in?" "yeah sure,come on in" i opened the door and looked at Michael "hey you okay?" he nodded but i could tell he wasnt okay so i decided to tickle him i loved hearing him laugh so much.It always made me happy cause his laugh was a different kind of laugh compared to everyone elses laughs Michaels laugh was the best laugh in the world.I especially loved making Michael happy because i couldnt stand seeing him upset seeing him upset was the worst thing that could ever happen to him and me cause i love his smile its the best smile in the whole world you would die whenever he would smile at you.I kept tickling him whilst he said "stop stop!" while laughing but i just had to keep tickling him but the worst thing was that he started tickling me! So it was even worse cause i have the worst laugh in the whole world! "Michael! no!" he just kept going even though i said no to him tickling me but who listens to me right? no one does well Michael is the only one that has been listening to me lately and that has been talking to me lately "Michael! enough please! if we laugh too loud for too long we'll get into trouble" "and if we do get into trouble i'll just say its an excersize for warming up our voices cause they know absolutely nothing about Music and i of course do" he said in a posh voice at the end i started laughing "your crazy you know that Michael?" he nodded "i know im crazy but im also beautiful and amazing" "Michael you know what the best things about you are?" he shook his head "no,what are they?" "for one your voice is amazing,your moves are amazing i mean every time i try to do your moves i fail misserably and fall over so much" we started laughing "man i love your laugh" "oh stop it!" i started tickling him again because i mean who doesnt want to hear him laugh.

I heard the end of school bell go i hated having to not see Michelle for the rest of the day,but i guess i have to get use to it unless "Michelle would you like someone to walk with you home?" "yes please,I'm always lonely and i hate being lonely" so i got up and picked Michelle's bag up "may i carry your bag?" she nodded her head "yeah sure you can i wouldnt be able to pick up my bag anyway cause of my damn wrist" she chuckled "yeah at least you've got me to help you out right?" "yeah should we go now? cause i dont want my mum to be mad at me for getting home late" "yeah we should get you home i dont want you in any trouble" so i put her bag on my back and walked out of the classroom with her i turned around and closed the classroom door as well as locking it.When we were walking home i felt Michelle's hand come over to mine we were holding hands i couldnt believe it i looked down at our hands and so did Michelle "oh my god im so sorry i didnt mean to-" "its okay i actually liked it" "R-Really?" i nodded my head "of course" i saw that we were nearly at her house so we stopped and i decided to asked her "Michelle remember that time how you said that you and your friend were talking about me" she blushed remembering it "yes,what about it?" "well do you really like me? or were you just kidding?" she looked down at the ground "i really do like you Michael but if we go out then you'll have to quit your job and i dont want you to quit your job..." "girl do you remember who i am?" "your THE Michael Jackson..." "which means i can do what i like without them firing me babe" "yeah" i kissed her on the lips and said "i love you Michelle" "i love you too Michael" we smiled at each other then i saw her checking her watch "oh my god i gotta be home in 3 minutes! we better hurry!" so we started walking fast to her house which was only 1 block away but still it was a long walk there, the best thing when we got there was that her house was amazingly beautiful! i absolutely loved it. "well I'm home now" "yeah" i scratched my neck and put my other hand in my pocket "well i guess i'll see you tomorrow?" "yep and can i ask you a question..." "yeah sure what is it?" she giggled "may i have my bag please" i just remembered i still have her bag on my back i giggled too "of course you can but may i put it on your back?" "yeah sure" so i took off her bag and put it on her back "Would you like to come in? since i just remembered its only me and my little brother home..." "yeah sure why not" she smiled and we walked into her house hand in hand.

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now