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Rose's P.O.V.

I took a little nap before I had to fight and now I'm drinking an energy smoothie. I'm ready for this fight, I know I can beat them.

"You ready, babe?" Jake asks while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I wiggle out of his grip and hold up my finger. No touchy. It will get me out of my mojo. I say then put a pair of headphones on.

I turn on my favorite pump up song, We Own It. Jake and I watched Fast and Furious and that is one of their songs. It just really seems to pump me up for some odd reason.

One shot, everything rides on two-night, even if I got three strikes, imma go for it. This moment, We own it.
And I'm not to be played with, because things could get dangerous, see these people I ride with. This moment, we own it.

I'm dancing around the kichen with my eyes closed that I don't notice Jake standing there with his eyes bulging out of his head.

"You have a beautiful voice in my mind."

I smile wide. Thank you, Jake.

"Let's head out so we can warm up, and get you prepared and stuff." He exclaims and we take a run to the pack house.


We get there and I see so many people. Are they all going to be watching? I don't do good under pressure.

"Relax, love. They are here for a party. They aren't going to be watching you fight, I promise." He says to me while leading me through the crowd with his hand on the small of my back.

I nod my head and we make it to the mat layer out on the grass.

I see three girls on the edges of the mat.

One is super tall, she has long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She looks a little muscular, or at least more then me.

The second girl is short like me. She has shoulder length hair that Raven black. Her eyes are a piercing blue that could scare the living life out of someone. She has a scowl on her face and she looks like she wants to fight. Maybe even kill someone.

The third girl is in between the two. She had a pixie cut hair style that is a bright red color. Her eyes are a weird brown because they are so light it looks yellow. Her freckles are planted everywhere. She doesn't look that intimidating.

"Alright, babe. To win you need to know their weaknesses. The blonde can't take a punch; the red can't dodge a kick; and for the black haired one, don't look into her eyes and you should be fine." He explained.

I took in every detail he said then sat in my corner. Justin is about to explain the rules.

"Rules are, no weapons, just your hands and or legs. The first one to have blood drawn is the loser. Rose, you get to pick your first opponent." Justin explains. "This," he points to the blonde, "is Bethany. She," he points to the red, "is Emily. And she," he points to the black haired girl, "is Meghan." He finishes.

I'll fight Bethany first. I reply in his head.

"Bethany, Rose, meet at the middle and shake hands." We do as he instructs and the fight begins.

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