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"Rose, can you go find Blake? Dinner is ready and I have Emory right here." Jake yells through our house.

I run up the stairs to find our 6 year old son playing games on the floor.

Hey, Blake. Dinner is ready, want to go eat? I ask him.

His stomach growls and I take that as a yes. I pick him up and put him on my hip then head downstairs where Jake and Emory are setting up the table.

My how Emory has grown over the 12 years since we had her. Her beautiful dark brown hair cascades down her back, and her green emeralds eyes shine perfectly. Her tan skin which she got from Jake is now tan from playing outside with Jake all day, and she has some new freckles across her cheeks. She is the perfect child.

Then we have Blake who was born when Emory was six. He got his red hair from me and has Jake's caramel brown eyes. His skin is light like mine but freckle free. He is the perfect opposite of Emory.

Emory doesn't speak. She is a true mute, not from being too scared to talk or anything, but her vocal cords where damaged when she was six months old. It was a sad moment but we still talk to her through mind link and play with her like the normal child she is.

Jake made burgers for dinner, with some of Emory's help. They have such a strong father/daughter bond it's amazing.

"Hey, Babe. What do you want on your burger?" Jake asks me.

The usual please. Just put some ketchup on Blake's. Thank you, Jake. I say.

He nods his head and makes my burger along with Blake's. We all sit down and start eating.

This is what I call a perfect family. I still need to tell Jake the news.

I already know, Rose. Did you forget I can read your mind? Jake says to me.

I laugh. Darn, he wasn't supposed to find out I was pregnant until tonight. Bummer.

This is how we have been living. Jake does his alpha duties while I do my Luna stuff. Then, we both play with the kids when we get home. It's what I call perfect. And now, I have another bundle of joy on the way.

Perfect. (No sarcasm noted.)

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