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"How do you like LA so far, Leo?"

"Mum, she just been here for four days, for Christ's sake."

I gave Logan a 'she's your mother, have some manners' before turning to Lisa, finding something to talk about.

"Yeah, I like it very much."

"Was the photo-shoot went well?"

"Ye---yeah. Absolutely."

I stuttered as Logan held back a laugh, but Lisa didn't catch our unusual acts. Oh how I am tempted to get up and punch him in the face.

"That's good to hear, "Lisa smiles, "I'm glad that you are very adaptable, not difficult like some people."

That was when it was my turn to held back my giggles. Logan pouted as he knew his mother was looking directly at him. I felt a little guilty when Lisa called me adaptable though, since I caused troubles at the photo shoot as much as Logan did.

Lisa finally came to have dinner with us. I was the one who made the food, of course. Lisa didn't know so she bought some Chinese along so we three ended up having this big feast. And the Chinese she bought wasn't those cheap type either, I could tell by the big roasted duck.

Lisa came to inform Logan that he will have new job very soon. He wasn't showing any excitement but I could tell that he was happy about it. Someone like him wouldn't like to stay home and sleep all day long. Lisa also kindly told me that if our photos in the magazine is out people will acknowledge me too. I was feeling appreciated at the news but I knew that it wouldn't be that easy when the other participants were doing the photo shoots as well.

"Good things will come your way, Leo, I know it will."

Lisa said as she got up, pulling her handbag along with her. I quickly do the same and went with her to the front door. Logan came along with me as well.

"The food was delicious."

"Come anytime, we've got food here."

"Sure will."

I laughed along with Lisa until I shut the front door quietly.

"You act like the owner of this place already."

I raised my eyebrow at Logan's comment, "I have to act like one since the real owner acts like a guest himself."

"Well, I bought this so I am the owner. That makes you a bossy hag."

"You called me a what?" I asked threateningly.

"A hag. You know H-A-G?"

"Okay. A hag, huh? Then if you are that strong then wash the dishes yourself."

I smiled sweetly at him before making my way to the stairs. Logan quickly blocked my way. I frowned.

"What's wrong, young man? The sink's over there."

"I'm sorry, I went too far. Let's do it together."

"The heck? What about your mum? Nope, the job is all yours."

I brushed him off but he wouldn't back off. I walked away but he followed closely behind me. The next time I realized we were running all over the place, with him as the chaser of course. I could call it a one-sided tag.

"If you can catch me I'll wash the dishes. All of them." I said as I stood up on the sofa.

"And dry them." Logan smirked.

"Don't get so cocky." I frowned.

Logan grabbed my ankle and pulled me down the ground. A normal person would be pissed since it really hurts. I was okay with it because I played with the twins like this all the time. I knew exactly what to do in this situation.

Special Cast, Special Love [Logan Lerman's Secret Tale]Where stories live. Discover now