Chapter 50

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The after party ending with Gavin almost spilling the entire drink bowl and Em dying of laughter. We all watched the newly weds as they got into Em's car and drove off to pack for their honey moon. I didn't know where they where going because Gavin wanted to keep it a secret. Michael and I had went home and changed into our pajamas after everyone else went home. We were cuddling on the couch. Michael was sitting next to the armrest and I was laying on my back with my head on his lap and Cherry curled up on my stomach. The television was just playing reruns of The Walking Dead. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything. I was spinning my wedding ring around on my finger, debating whether or not I should start up a conversation or just keep watching. I decided to spark up a conversation.

"So, Michael." I leaned my head back so I could see his face. He looked down at me, "You look really stupid like that, babe." I rolled my eyes. "Let's have a serious conversation, love." "What's so serious then?" I looked up at the ceiling, "Do you ever think about having kids?" I could feel him shrug, "Well yeah, but I just don't know when." I looked back at Michael. I think he could figure out what I was thinking. "Do you want to have kids?" I shrugged, mimicking him, "I dunno. We're in a good spot for it. Like financially and all that adult stuff." Michael started grinning and I lifted my eyebrow at him. "Wot are you grinning about?" "Let's do it. Let's have a kid." My eyes widen and I shot up into a sitting position, accidentally tossing Cherry into my lap. Michael started laughing as I comforted our poor, confused dog. "Are you serious?" I said, looking back at him after Cherry jumped off my lap and went to her food bowl. Michael leaned towards me and pressed our lips together.


I woke up next to Michael around five in the morning. He was lying awake next to me and was smiling at me. "Morning, love." I said, letting out a yawn. He smiled, "Did you sleep well?" I nodded and chuckled. "Although with you almost crushing me when you rolled over wasn't quite that comfortable." He kissed my nose and rolled himself out of bed. "Where are you going?" I rolled over to face him and pouted. He had his hand resting on the doorway. His hand was extra curly and fluffy and I could see his muscles since he was only wearing his boxers. "I'm taking a shower, care to join?" He teased. I rolled my eyes at him, "It's five in the morning, Mikey." He shrugged and walked off to the bathroom. I heard my phone buzz and groaned as I looked to see who texted me. It was Gavin.

Hey, sis. Em's getting ready for brunch right now. I got bored and wanted to text you. - Gav
Oh hey Gav. How's the honeymoon going? Anything big? - Nagi
We're about to go to eat and some other stuff. What about you guys? - Gav
Movies, dog stuff, Geoff getting drunk. All the norm. - Nagi
Oh, Em's out. Got to go! - Gav

I yawned and pushed myself out of bed. I threw on a pair of leggings and a floral pattered dress. I threw my hair into a quick bun and put on my glasses. I almost skipped into the kitchen as I pulled out some pans and started making some weird breakfast concoction. I hummed while I cooked. I poured the breakfast I cooked into two bowls as I heard the water turn off in the shower. I stuck a fork in each bowl and grabbed two glasses. I took out the orange juice and poured it in both of the cups before putting the jug back in the fridge. I sat the cups on the kitchen table, followed by the bowls. I poured some kibble into Cherry's bowl and sat down at the table. Michael walked into the kitchen and sat down across from me. We both ate in comfortable silence. I cleaned up everything after we ate.

"Ready to go to work?" Michael asked as he took the keys off the hook. I nodded and jumped up off the ground where I was putting on my shoes. I followed Michael into the car and we both buckled up our seatbelts. Michael started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I turned up the radio only to turn it off immediately when I heard the start of my least favorite song. "So how do you like we did last night?" Michael smirked, still staring at the road. I shrugged at him and fiddled with my fingers. "To be honest, I think we made a kid." I kissed his cheek as he parked the car in the building's lot. We both got out and he locked the car. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked into the office. Geoff and Jack weren't here, considering they both got accidentally wasted last night. Ryan was at his desk throwing Skittles at Jeremy, who was trying to catch them in his mouth.

I sat down as Ryan tossed me a bag and I ripped it open. I popped one in my mouth. Michael sat down next to me and stuck out his hand. I poured some Skittles in his hand. "So Ryan are you the boss today or am I?" I asked, chuckling a bit. "Well Geoff did leave this note on my monitor to tell you that you're in charge, but that's beside the point." I stood up and looked at him. "Ryan. That IS the point." Ryan shrugged. "We have to film AHWU," Jeremy said, while sitting in his seat. "Shit, we do!" I jumped out of my seat. "Let's get that over with so we can got on like GTA or Minecraft and fuck with everyone's shit," Michael suggested. I nodded and went to set up the camera for AHWU. Of course, Ryan left the room. "I don't understand why he's so set on never being in AHWU." I shook my head. Jeremy was going to be taking Jack's place in saying all those things, Michael and I were going to mention the new games together, and Trevor, as always, would be doing community news.

We finished filming AHWU, ending it with Michael, being tripped by Jeremy and falling on top of me while I was sitting on the couch. That led to Jeremy and Trevor dog-piling on me before I shuffled out from under them and turned off the camera. "You guys are assholes," I joked. The three men stuck their tongues out at me. I stuck my tongue out at them. Ryan walked into the room with a hysterical grin on  his face. "We should trash everyone's house in Minecraft that wasn't here today." I started grinning with him. The two of us probably looked like mad men. Jeremy, Ryan, Michael, and I all turned on our microphones and loaded Minecraft. We all joked around and fucked up Geoff, Jack, Ember, and Gavin's Minecraft homes until lunch. Barbara wanted me to go with her to buy somethings so I left Michael to fend for himself and go out with Ryan and Jeremy.

"Hey Babs. Ready to go?" I smiled as I skipped over to her. She nodded and said goodbye to Aaron before leading me out to her car. We first headed off to a drug store to look at some makeup and buy candy for the office. "Do you need anything while we're here?" She asked me as she grabbed a packaged mascara wand. I thought for a moment. I should get a pregnancy test, just in case. "Yeah, I'll just be a second." I trotted off, very casually to that aisle and picked out one. I slugged back to Barbara and tried to sneak the box into the basket. Barbara, being herself, saw me sneak it. "Ohhhh, Nagi. What's this?" She smirked as she pointed to the box. "Michael and I are kinda trying for a baby." I shrugged. Barbara squealed, "Really?! That's amazing!" She rushed me to the register as we split the bill. We shoved the stuff in her backseat and drove back to the building.

"Come with me while I test it, Babs?" I asked shyly, keeping the box behind my back. She eagerly nodded and we walked to the bathroom. I read the directions and did as it said, I also did a second one as a precaution. I waited for them to read as I washed my hands. Barbara stood next to me. I looked over at it and I felt my heart stop for a second. They both said positive. My hand moved to squeeze Barbara's arm without me knowing that my arm moved. I shot my head around to look at her. We both started to freaked out. When we calmed ourselves down, she asked me when I was going to tell everyone else. "Shit I didn't think about that." We both walked out of the bathroom and went our separate ways. The guys and I filmed a couple more Let's Plays and things before the end of the day came up.


I pushed Michael into the shower and started to cook dinner. I wanted to tell him tonight so we could  celebrate tomorrow. I finished the food and put it on plates and sat it on the table. I started lighting candles to set the mood. Michael got out of the shower just as I lit the last candle. He looked at me and smirked, "What's all this?" I shrugged as I sat down, "Oh nothing." We started eating while Michael tried to guess why I made dinner so fancy. "You broke something?" He asked, taking a bite of the food. I shook my head. He thought for a second. This will be the twentieth time he's tried to guess, but who's counting. "I took a pregnancy test today while I was out with Barbara." I paused to make it more dramatic as I leaned towards him and grabbed his hands. "It tested positive and I did another one to be sure." Michael's eyes lit up brighter than the candle's flame. His smile grew and I thought his cheeks were about to rip. He stood up from the table, picked me up, and spun me around. "We're going to be parents!" He laughed and he pulled me back down to his height. We both leaned in and our lips collided into a passionate kiss.

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