Chapter 26 - Masks On

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  • Dedicated to all my readers

So So So So So Sorry guys! You have no idea how sorry I am for not getting my ass off my bed and making this chapter! you go!




     Seconds later, the lights were turning on one by one. I realized that I was wrapped in Harry’s arm, my face buried on his neck. I was shaking. I knew it. Everything was starting to look precise again as I lifted my head up. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out. I tried again. Nothing. Have I gone mute?! Yes. I placed an interrobang (mixture of an exclamation point and question mark) there!

     “Um! Let the party continue! Surprise!” Louis started shouting while maniacally laughing. I was confused for a moment then I realized that he was just doing damage control since none of my bodyguards could explain for me.

     “Yep! Surprise!” Zayn cried.

     The rest of the band followed in suit—except Harry.

     The guests started to laugh. The music started playing again.

     It was as if nothing happened.

     “You okay?” Harry asked, resting his hands on my waist, looking at me with concern on his own eyes.

     “It’s fine. I’m just spooked” I whispered.

     I stared at his face. He seems to be thinking about something. Was there something on my face?

     “What?” I asked.

     He shook his head. “Nothing. You just reminded me of someone”

     Now might be the right time to tell him, Lizzie. “Of the girl at Number Zone?” I whispered-asked.

     He nodded. I felt something heavy on my stomach. Oh God. What am I supposed to tell him? ‘Hey Harry. I was the girl you flirted with on the first day of school. Remember? Number Zone? I was number 17 and you mimicked James Bond’? “Listen, babe. I need to tell you something” Okay. Great start, Lizzie.

     “What is it?” He wasn’t confused. Did he know something?

     “I need to tell you something” I told him. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

     He sighed. “I do too”

     “Hey. You guys okay?” Nice timing as always, Amy.

     I pulled away from Harry and nodded. “Yeah. Just dandy. I can’t even feel someone trying to abduct me”

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