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     Christiano sat nervously in a booth at a Red Robin's, tapping at the tabletop with his finger lightly. He was very uneasy at the moment, for he didn't know when his date would arrive nor what she would look like.
     Christiano was seated in the back of the restaurant, and had poor view of the entrance.
     Time passed when a petite waitress walked up to his table, a woman and dog in tow.
     "Sir, are you Mr.Bella?"
     "Indeed I am."
     The unfamiliar woman sat down across from him, and the waitress left afterwards.
     "Hello! I'm Almas, your date."
     "Ah, Almas! Good evening, I'm Christiano." Out of formality, he extended his hand for her to shake.
     His hand was up for some time, to which he put down awkwardly.
     Christiano coughed into his hand, they haven't even started a conversation and the air had already felt stiff to him.
     "What do you do for a job, Almas?"
     "Me? I'm a children's author, what do you do for a living?"
     Christiano fiddled with the end of his tie. He hated his occupation. "I'm a hairdresser."
     Almas, however, thought differently. "Really?! That's fantastic. I always wanted to become one myself but my disease stopped me."
     Christiano smiled from the encouragement. "You honestly think hairdressing is that impressive?"
     "Of course. It takes patience and time, and not to mention skill." She bent down to pet at the golden retriever, then raised herself up again.
     The same waitress from before came by again to take their orders. He didn't bother looking at the menu, always getting a veggie burger. Almas ordered a salad and a side of onion rings.
     What an odd combination.
     "Do you like to read, Christiano?"
     "In fact, I do. I enjoy Greek literature very much."
     "Do you have a favorite Greek story?"
     "The myth of Medusa is definitely one."
     Mindless chatter continued on until the food came, and even then they remained speaking as they ate.
     Once they left, the pair sauntered over to a nearby ice cream parlor. While Christiano ordered a simple pistachio cone, Almas ordered the largest sundae she could possibly eat and proceeded to pay for both their desserts.
     "You didn't have to do that, Almas."
     She shrugged indifferently. "You paid for our dinner, so I should at least pay for our dessert."
     It was relatively quiet as they ate, only a few comments or jokes passing between the two now and then.
     The date was completed with a peaceful walk in the park, crickets chirping in the background accompanied them.
     "Tonight was really fun, I enjoyed it." Almas looked up to him and smiled, genuine happiness clouded her face.
     "Me too." One of her hands occupied his, the other was holding her service dog's leash.
     "There's one thing you should know about me before we go on another date." Another date? The mere thought excited him.
     "And what's that?"
     "I really like snakes."

     A/N: I am SO sorry for the delay! My phone was acting up and it didn't allow me to type for a week. This might be rubbish because I started writing this before the phone incident and lost interest over time. In the near future I will be writing more fanfiction. Anyways, I hope you still enjoyed! :D
Also, this was inspired by a Tumblr post.

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