Chapter 9: Empty

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             I sat for a good ten minutes in my old driveway. " Who was he?" was all I could say. I heard a large thud, as a tin can made contact with the floor of the camper. "Sebastian!" I ran and gave him a smack on the butt. "Bad kitty!" all I heard was the little thumps of his feet running on the floor. I walked back to the drivers seat, and looked out the large windshield window. I saw the boy again, looking at the white rose. I could feel my face heat up, thinking about the recent events that took place.

       I pushed the unquestionable thoughts aside, and turned the key. As the engine started, I realized that Jazmin's house isn't far. I used caution as I slowly backed out. The boy slowly turned his head, and smiled at me, his dark silhouette fading into the oncoming nightfall. The twilight hours seem to last no longer than about an hour. I was pulling up to Jazmin's house. or what's left of her house. The whole top story is gone, left in nothing but debris. As my gaze filled with horror and worry, I ran out of the camper, eyes flushed with tears. I ran up to her house and kicked her door in, machete in hand.

           "Jazmin!" I screamed through the tears and rage. nothing but the emptiness and dust of the house answered. "H-help-p me." was faintly heard. I ran up to the doorway that separated the kitchen from the dining room. "Jazmin! Hold on!" I yelled as I tried to pry the beam off her body. Her head perked up, the tears from her eyes soon changing a dark color. "Ja-jasmin?" was what I managed to stutter. Her crying soon changed into hysterical laughter. I backed up and lowered my head as the sound of things being thrown could be heard from miles away. I looked up at her blankly. Her face now greatly differed from what it looked like before. Her eyes gone black, and her mouth opened into fourths, each flap containing rows of sharp teeth. Luckily, she was still pinned, but the black tentacles connected to her body were throwing heavy objects at me. I flipped my blade up and stepped on her head. "Damn. It's a shame I couldn't save you," and with that, the last thing that could be heard was her gurgling cries, and the sound of spurting blood. The whole house smelled like fire and blood. 

     I figured I might as well finish the deed. I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the matches on the granite countertop, and got ready. Disconnecting the gas line from the stove, I tried not to breath, but soon gave up. I walked into the living room, picking up an old picture of us. I carefully slid the developed picture into my bag, and walked out of the front door. Unlike my house, flowers were still present, I picked a red tulip, and stepped back. Taking a match, I swiftly slid it across the box, watching the flame the ignite. taking in great respect, I toss the match into the house. As the house bursts into flames, I don't even flinch at the loud sound and large heat waves. Once the action dies down, I look at the tulip, I toss it in the fire. I know that wasn't Jasmin. However, I know if I get to Clark, maybe I can save her too. Letting the tears fall, I look up at the sky. "Green?" The whole sky is a different mixture of colors. I get back in the camper. I figure I might just drive to nowhere and sleep. I open the CD player and let the music blast. I drive frantically as I cry and scream. 

                  Turning the corner, I see and empty gas station. Checking the gas, I see it's almost empty, so I decide to stop. I try and hurry. I decide to run inside as it fills. I run into the back and grab a couple beers. No, I know it's not good, but this was a shitty day. I throw my hood up, and walk outside. As I turn to take the pump out, I see someone did it for me. "Maybe I did it myself" I toss the beers in the mini fridge and start my engine. I notice a pack cigarettes. "Fuck it. I'm gonna die anyways." I roll down the window and light it with a match. I take a long drag and let go. I just don't care anymore. watching my best friend die, let alone killing her myself took a lot. 

           After a while of driving on the empty streets, I noticed a lot of destruction.  Cars flipped over and smashed, buildings set a flame, dead people on the sidewalk, cracks in the ground. *CRASH* I heard a large crash in the kitchen area of the camper. I turn and pull over, close to a forest like area. I didn't grab a knife, thinking it was just Pazzo, or more likely Sebastian. However, as I turn the corner, I'm completely wrong. "What the hell are you doing here!" the boy turned around and flashed me a weird face. "Seriously, BudLight Stella?" and he turned back and started to raid my fridge again. "How do you know my name?" was all I asked, arms crossed. He stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth and stood up. "I told you dear, I'm an anomaly, and so are you." he smacked his lips. "Mmm! that was good bread! Do you plan on sharing by the way?" he asked as he pointed to the beer. "I saw what happened, and I thought you might wanna talk about it."  I raised my eyebrow at his question. "Are you even old enough?" he put his finger in his chin, and outlined his sharp jawline, as if he were thinking about it. Then he smirked. "No, and neither are you. you're fifteen, yes?" I rolled my eyes and replied. "Yes, but how old are you?" He walked towards me and lifted my face up, my eyes meeting his. "Same age as you dear, but no one will catch us, so I guess it really doesn't matter," I could feel my eye twitch, as he backed up, his stare soon calming down. "Hmm.. So you're one of those kinds?" I scrunched my eyebrows at him. "What the hell are you talking about," I said with question in my tone. Then, he help up the mirror, and revealed my reflection. I slowly put my hand on my face. "Wh-what?" My eyes had changed from the crystal blue to an emerald green. More of my hair, from the root up, has changed white. It's gone from half an inch to almost another two inches change. "Don't worry, I think you look fine," he said as he stuck his tongue out at me. I glared at the boy. "Tch. and to answer your question, you can have some." He quietly reached for one, and we both started drinking. 

           As he wiped his lip, I began to explain how I got here, and everything that's happened. He's a great listener, I'll give him that. His eyes never left mine.

                                       ~*~*~*~*~TIMESKIP, BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE MYSTERIOUS DUDE!~*~*~*~*~

                 "I never got your name either," I say as I look up at him. He looks at me, almost scared, and hesitant. "Does it really matter?" I look at him and cross my arms. "I'm about to share a bed with you, and unless you want to sleep on the beanbag with the cats, a name would be nice." I stare at him, and he lets out a sigh. "Finch. Finch Calixto," he rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. "Whatever, I'm tired." He said as he walked to my room. I stayed in the tiny bathroom and changed into a huge black sweater and lazy shorts. "What's his damn problem?" I ask Pazzo, who is sitting in the sink. "Meow," is all she can reply with, as I set her food down, along with Sebastian's. I sigh to myself. This will be a fun night.


Thank you guys for the reads!! I'm super happy to be able to update again! please make sure to vote and leave a comment! I love to hear feedback from you guys! thank you! :3

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