Chapter 24: The Ones She'll Lose

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       We slowly walked to the crumbling building, the air was cold and stiff. "Are you ready?" Finch turns his head to face me as he asks me. I silently answer, nodding my head in response.  Staring at the door, the sliding door is barely hanging and most of the glass is mostly shattered and mirrored over. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I said under my breath. No one heard, and we kept walking until we found the  front desk, of course there was no one there, so we dug through the files we could. "Clark kept watch for anything, and Finch broke open the locked file cabinet. I walked over to him, avoiding the green ooze seeping from the floor and down the walls. "Here," He said, tossing me a file with my name on it. "Your middle name is Alin?" Finch said, eyebrow raised and arms crossed around his chest. "What?" Clark raised her voice. "You didn't tell me that!" She scoffed loudly. "I don't like it, that's why I never told you," I say in my own defense, slowly opening the file. "It says here I was put into a coma on October 8th, 2015," I backed up quickly. "W-wait! this is October 28th! There's no way I'm in a coma, I'm awake and walking around now!" Finch fell silent and looked away. "Stella, didn't you ever stop to think about how it's only us here?" Finch asked. I raised an eyebrow, along with my voice.  "And didn't you stop to think about how all of this is too real? Even if I was, dreams change constantly, so-" I was quickly cut off by a loud burst crashing through the office windows. 

        The bodies of those who were already gone had began to swarm us. As one grabbed my arm, I took a swift motion with my machete to get it off of me. I had stomped it's legs in, and as it fell backwards, I stomped its head into the ground, over and over again.  Everyone was trying to kill them off. Finch already had cuts along his perfect face. Clark had torn clothes, and this place reeked of rotting flesh and whatever you would call the green ooze seeping from any open spots. 

          We had maimed enough of whatever those were to run ahead of them. As we ran through the dark halls of the hospital, a putrid scent of a dead body had filled the air. "What the hell is that?" Clark had screamed in terror. "Keep your voice down, and don't worry about it, I dealt with that when I woke up," I explained in monotone, pointing out the obvious, that I did in fact wake up, and that this isn't a dream. Finch walked passed my, clicking his tongue. "What's your problem?" I yell at Finch as he passes me, rolling his eyes. "Keep your voice down Stella! You might cause attention!" He yells in a mocking tone. I could instantly feel my eye twitch at his statement. 

       As we continued to walk the almost empty halls, it was clearly seen that it was midday, due to the huge holes blown into the walls. Clark stops behind us, dead in her tracks. "Everything alright Clark?" I ask, turning around to face her. "I can hear the voices, do you hear them?" She asks, hot tears flowing down her face. Finch opens his mouth to talk. "Clark, don't. It's a trick, and whatever they're saying isn't true. You have to cancel them out!" He calmly explains, slowly walking closer to Clark. "Stella, why didn't you tell me," She tried to fake a smile, but resulted in her crying. "I wish I had known you were a liar sooner. I would've helped you through it. After all, we all have our troubles, right?" She yells, showing her arms. "Clark, I-" She had cut me off before I could finish. "No, I don't have the strength anymore," She started, facing the gaping hole in the wall, exposing the outside. "I'll see you when you wake up, Stella," She gave a weak smile, tears rushing as she fell backwards, making contact with the concrete below. "Clark!" I yelled, running to the edge, as far as Finch would let me, as he held my arm. "Clark, I-I I didn't know you went through that," I whispered to myself. 

         "We have to go, Stella," Finch started quietly, tugging my arm lightly. As I stood in shock, unable to move, I stared at Clarks corpse at the bottom of the building. "Stella! We have to go! They're catching up," He yelled, trying to get me to move, but I can't, I just lost my best friend, and there is nothing I can do. 

      In realization, I throw myself on the floor, and scream at the top of my lungs. "Clark is not dead! She's fine! I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed, trying to cope with the loss of her. "Stella!" I felt a strong shake on my arm. "Clark is dead, and if you don't stop, so are the both of us,"  Finch lightly smiled at me, and pulled out his knives. "Now, let's go, okay." He grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet. 

            I had taken the back, with the fewer amount of whatever it was we were trying to fight off. Finch had taken the front, and I was very worried since that's where the most were, and they were hard to kill off one at a time as it was. Being too worried, I get distracted, and lose concentration of what I'm doing. I feel a hard grab on my arm, pulling me to the ground. "Stella!" I can hear Finch yell as he runs to me, totally deserting the things at the front of the hall, trying to help me to safety. 

        He had tried to fight for my life, completely dangering his own. Though, as hard as he tried, he ended up earning the same fate as Clark and Jazmin. My stomach dropped as he faced me, tears running down his face, mouthing "I love you." I was pulled further to the ground, before I had snapped. I could feel myself shaking, rapidly, and it didn't help that I was covered in so much blood, I couldn't tell whose it was anymore. "Finch!" I screamed, surrounded by the corpses of the monsters. I ran up to him, a huge gash in his arm and shoulder. "D-don't leave me here, please Finch," I could feel hot tears threatening to spill. "St-Stella, I love you, a-and I alw-ays ha-have," he said weakly. I could feel myself break, and every nerve in my body was slowly snapping. "F-Finch, don't-"  I was getting choked up, but he softly grabbed my face. "Don't worry Stella, I'll be fine, I'll see you soon," He smiled gently, and I broke into a fit of tears. "Don't forget to wake up, Stella," and with that, his body was lifeless in my arms.


A/N I totally got the feels writing this...So please, do let me know how you guys like the story, the next chapter will be the last one, but there will be at least two more books. Please vote and comment, I like feedback. Be sure to recommend and add to your libraries and stuff! Love you all! Next chapter will be out soon!

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