Chapter 23: The Journey They Shared

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                    After the night had fallen, Finch took the wheel first. We all took a rotation for the road trip, most of us awake. As of right now, Clark is sleeping, Finch is driving, and I get to keep watch for anything dangerous, make food, and check on everyone. After an hour and a half, Finch will sleep, I will drive, and Clark will get up and make food and keep watch. The small clock on the tiny stove read "9:48," and we had at least eight hours or so to get to the hospital I'm in. I could tell this would be a long ride, but it's what's needed to get answers. 

                    After awhile, I had to wake Clark up so she could take watch. It was my turn to drive, and the camper was running low on gas. "Hey Clark, the camper is running low on gas, keep watch," I say, handing her my machete. As I was about to head out, she grabs my arm. "Wait! You can't go out alone! It might be dangerous," She stops and thinks for a bit. "I-I I'll go get Finch!" Her face lights up as she hurries to the bedroom. "Ugh, fine," I hear Finch groan as he walks into the living room. Finch hurries and grabs his hoodie and his knife. "Let's go you dork," He jokes as he ruffles my hair. "H-hey I'm not a dork! And don't mess with my hair!"  I yell, stomping passed him. "Hurry up Stella," tiredness comes from his tone. I walk off of the stairs and meet up with him, a small smile to his face.

        We walk up to the store and pour the gas into the tank. As we walk inside, it was clear the place wasn't empty. Green glowing ooze spewing from the ceiling. "We better make it fast while we're here," Finch suggested. "Hm," I hum in response. As we turn the corner to enter a different isle. "W-what the hell is that!" I drop the bag of yummy pickle chips in my hand. As the bag made contact with the floor, The tall, dark figure turned around, hunched over like an old woman.  "Stella, what are you-" I dropped everything, and pushed me out of the way as the thing came lunging at us. As It came at us, It's white pale face was shown. It's eyes were fogged over, mouth opened wide. The green goo was seeping out of it's mouth. The only thing Finch did, was throw his knife at its eye. Screaming in agony, we took our chance to run. 

        On our way out, the tall figure chased quickly behind. Lazily throwing the knife, it manages to get me in my arm. Looking ahead, I can see another one of the things chasing us at the camper. "Clark!" I screech, pulling the knife out of my arm. Running full speed, the dark thing turns it's head to look at me. I shove the knife in its throat, causing it to fall and die. "Stella!" I turn around to see Finch, nearly getting swallowed whole. The old, foggy eyed monster bends down, jaw unhinged. "Get away from him!" I scream charging with the knife in my hands. However, it was too late before it picked him up in its mouth and came to me next. 

              With all of the rage in my body, I freeze. I can't move until Clark is screaming from inside the camper. Snapping back, I let the rage take over, and tackle the thing, and stabbing it over and over, and over, and over. After I was sure it was dead, I stab it in the stomach and tear all the way down the abdomen. Finch lays there, lifeless and still. I pull him out, and immediately lay him down in the parking lot, listening for a heartbeat. I start to feel the tears rushing down my face, as I don't hear one. "Clark! Get your ass out here!" I scream frantically, losing my mind. As she runs up with blood all over her, I know she did the best she could to keep herself and our home safe. "Start compressing his chest, we're doing CPR," I demand, and she does as told. Breathing into his mouth, Clark backs up. Finch starts to breath, but I turn him onto his side as he starts to cough up whatever he drowned in.

                     After we had gotten settled down, we decided to go back to our original plan. Finch  said we should reach the hospital by morning if there's no trouble on the way. Finch is asleep, and Clark is in the shower, washing herself of all of the blood that stained her body. That leaves me driving, and Pazzo sits in my lap, laying asleep. "Stella!" I hear the door to the bathroom open as Clark yells my name. "Yes, my dear!" I holler in return. Clark walks into the driver's area, hair still dripping wet, but soon to dry to a head of curls. "You've had a long night, let me take over, okay?" She ends with a smile. Slowing the car down, I move aside and let her take the wheel.

       I slowly walk into my bedroom, and lay down by Finch. Softly stroking his face, he turns and faces me, his eyes are open now, colored brightly with his crystal blue color. "Hey, Stella," Finch lightly says with his tired voice. "Hm," I hum in response, pulling the blankets over us again. "How are you feeling?" I ask softly, getting pulled closer into his embrace. "Better now," a smile forms on his face as he places a gentle kiss on my head, and with that, I drift to a quiet sleep.

                 I wake up to our vehicle coming to a slow stop. I slowly blink and open my eyes as my bedroom door creaks open. Coming inside, Clark tells us that we're here, Sebastian bursting into the room as well. "Okay, give me a minute to change," I say, Clark leaving the room. 

            Walking out of my room, I take a peek out of the window, completely astonished by the view. The hospital is nearly in ruins, and the trees are still laying on the floor, and the landscape is destroyed. Clark throws her curly hair in a high ponytail. "Let's go," she finishes, fiddling with her large knife. Finch follows behind her, gun loaded and in hand. I swallow the large lump in my throat. "Yeah," I bluntly say, opening the door to start our new journey.


A/N What'd you guys think? If you guys didn't know, this book will be ending in the next two chapters. However, there will be at least two more books to come :) I can't wait for you guys to finish the book, and I can't wait to finish this one and start the next one! Please vote and comment, feedback is super important! See you guys in the next chapter! Hope you all enjoyed!

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