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We both walked out of the dorm and headed towards the entrance.
On the way, we caught Ravi staring at us.
"Yah, hyung. Don't you dare-" muttered hongbin.
"My speculations were right." he laughed.

"Hey... Oppa..." I said, facing Ravi.

Immediately, ravi's head turned towards the hall.

I signalled for Hongbin to run out with me.

Just as we ran out, I caught a glimpse of Ravi turning back, dumbfounded.

"YAH! PARK YEBIN!" he yelled.

I laughed, as hongbin continued running, with the wind blowing our hair back out of our faces.

It was exactly like those scenes in movies, where the boyfriend takes his girlfriend away from whatever obstacle they face. Running through the wind was refreshing, even on a -8 C day.

"Where are we going?" I said, whilst running.

"You'll see." he said, and paused for a second.
"Your cheeks are all pink." he smiled, and gently caressed my cheek.

I blushed even more.

"Come on, beautiful. Let's get going before Ravi sends a gang of his mates down to catch us." he said, laughing.

I laughed. He made the funniest jokes, sometimes.

After 5 minutes of continuous running, I was worn out. We had run for a while, and I wasn't in the proper sporting attire to be running. Heels and a mini skirt wasn't right at all.

"Here we are." he said, pointing to a shop which seemed like a dress shop.

"Why are we here?" I asked.
He can't already be....

As if he read my mind, he immediately reassured me.

"Ani, ani. We're just buying you a nice dress so that we can go meet Hyuk and Seol ah in style." he smiled.

"Aish, you..." I laughed, and playfully slapped him.

He held my hand, and walked into the store.

When we entered, there was an abundance of dresses. I was speechless. Never had I seen this many beautiful dresses in one room.

"Yah, wang chiang." I teased.
"Are you sure about this?"

"110% sure." he replied.
"You need to add another pretty dress to your current collection."

I thought about my dress collection. Did he not like it? Did I look shabby?

"Of course, the only reason I brought you here, is to get you a dress bought by the one and only, Lee hongbin." he smirked.

So there was nothing wrong with my dress collection after all. I was glad.

I was lost in the abundance of dresses. After browsing for a few minutes, he stopped at a dress.

"Come here, Yebin." he said.

I walked over to him, dying to see his taste in dresses. He pointed to the dress in front of him.

"This one." he said.

He pointed to the most sparkly dress of them all. It was white, knee length with a black belt, but looked as if someone crushed diamonds and sprinkled them over the dress.

"So, what do you think?" he asked.
I took the dress, smiled at him and went to try it on. Although this was only our first-ish date, I could feel his sincerity.

I came out and walked up to the mirror. He came from behind and lay his hand on my shoulder.

"Looking beautiful as always." he smiled.
I laughed. I guess I did look pretty stunning in this dress.

"How much is it?" I asked.

He checked the price tag and looked at me.

"It's all on me." he said.

I quickly checked the price tag and almost fainted at the price.

"YAH KONG! You don't even earn this much monthly, and you're gonna buy this for me on our first date?" I almost screamed.

He nodded.
"Because you're my everything."

I took the dress from her after she had finished, and went to the counter to pay.

"Cash or credit?" the cashier asked.

Suddenly, I felt an arm around my waist.

"You really didn't have to buy me this dress." she said, feeling guilty.

"If I didn't buy it now, when would I get the chance to?" I smirked.

"Alright, alright. But promise me, that you won't do this again." she said.

"I promise."

Deep down, I was upset that she didn't allow me to buy more things like this for her. I guess she felt guilty, because after we left the store, she brought out money to repay me.

"Hajima..." I gestured for her to stop.
"You're only a trainee, and you haven't gotten your first pay yet.

She thought about it.

"Arrasso oppa. But I swear I'll pay you back once I get enough to." she smiled.

I called a taxi to meet Hyuk. It was a 45min drive, so we just sat back and watched the traffic fly past our cab. I wondered how the maknae could score himself a girlfriend faster than me. I looked around the cab and noticed that Yebin had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I gently caressed her, trying not to wake her up.

We approached the place where we were to meet Hyuk and Seol ah.

As we came to a halt, I saw that the place was a nice, cozy little cat cafe.
I turned over to Yebin, who was still sleeping peacefully on my shoulder.

"Yebin ah." I lowered my voice.

She got up instantly and looked around.
"Are we here yet?" she asked, still half asleep.

"Yep." I replied.
We thanked the taxi driver and walked inside the cafe.

Instantly, we were hit by a blast of warm air.
The lady at the counter greeted us.

"Any reservations?" she asked.
"One under Han sang Hyuk."
"Come this way."


We walked into the cat area and the amount of cats startled me.
"You okay there?" he asked.
"You look startled."

"Yeah." I replied.
"I just haven't seen this many cats in one room before."

That statement reminded me of what I thought when he brought me into the dress shop.

"Hyuk!!" he said.
"and this must be seol ah."

Only Ever Fallen For You  [VIXX - Lee hongbin Fanfiction] (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now