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he watched as the other man went and took her hand. they walked towards the cafeteria edging closer to each other by the minute. were his eyes deceiving him or was it real? the smell of warm pretzels suddenly filled the air taking his mind off the recent events. he could really do with some food at this point of time, as he hadn't ate since breakfast. as he followed the trail of pretzel scent, he couldn't help but look behind him every few seconds, wary of any dramatic changes between the two
of them. he sat at the opposite side of the cafeteria with a hot caramel macchiato in one hand and a cinnamon pretzel in the other. as his teeth sunk into the piping hot pretzel, a series of continuous coughing could be heard from his two-person table as he accidentally took a huge whiff of cinnamon. quick to react, but not quite so clever, he sculled his hot caramel macchiato leaving him in more pain than he already endured. today wasn't a good day for him at all. quickly finishing his pretzel, he rushed back to his dorm feeling extremely sure that he was insane.


I felt the desperate need for love. no one was around to keep me company on days like these, and everyone seemed to have some sort of event or schedule to attend. hongbin seemed a bit drifted, so I depended on Ken for company. ken, unlike the others, seemed to have tons of free time and always spent it by my side. I thought of it as curtesy and him being my senior, helping me out and looking after me. I never took it any other way until we walked to the cafeteria today, and he took my hand and held it tight. what did he mean by this? I knew ken could be a bit touchy at times, but he never got this close to me before.

short chapter today, but ooooh, I see a war about to erupt between the members!! this will be interesting.

-author nim

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