I need to tell him #10

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I went home.

I went straight home.

I didn't go back to Patricks.

I don't care if my house is under investigation.

I don't care if I get a detention for skipping school.

Okay maybe I do care a little bit about detention.

But knowing I got pregnant is one of the hardest things I'm trying to digest right now other than my sister's brutal murder and my mother's murder.

Lord help my soul.

I get to my house and slam the front door open.

I run up to the stairs and to my room and slam it shut.





I was so stupid to not have him use protection.

I was so stupid.

"Damnit" I mumble under my breath.

"Damnit" I say a little louder.

"DAMNIT!" I scream, and sob into my hands.

I curl up in a ball and drift into a deep sleep.


Patrick's POV

"Where's Amanda?" I ask Myah.

"Um..Uh...what" I can tell she is coming up with a lie, or she is acting dumb.

"Stop acting dumb and tell me where Amanda is. She's been through a lot" My anger starts boiling. Who ever hurt her, I will kill with my bare hands.

I hear an exasperated sigh coming from her lips.

"She went home"


"That I can't tell you. But she can tell you that." And with that, she leaves, going down the A corridor.

Why did she go home?

Did something happen?

"Damnit" I run out of the school and go to my baby girl.


Amanda's POV

"Amanda" I hear someone calling my name.

Raspy voice, hoarse as day.

"Amanda" I feel someone shaking my arm.

"Amanda love, It's Patrick"

Patrick. Patrick. Patrick.

I'm having Patrick's baby.

I should just say it like it is.

Hey Pat, I'm pregnant.


Hey Patrick, I'm having your baby.

Yeah, That sounds good. I peel my eyes open and come face to face to the guy I love.

"Can I be honest with you?"

Here goes nothing..

"I'm pregnant"

No reply, no response, no movement, just our breath hitched in our thoat and our heart beats beating rapidly.

"Say something" I rasp out.

"Please" I beg

"I love you Amanda, and I'm not going anywhere any time soon." He smiles, and he crashes his lips to mine. 

I know it's short but I've been having major writers block. 

I'll update sometime next week :)

-Shea xx

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