School #16

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"AMANDA!" I hear someone yell my name with a high pitch girly voice. 

I turn around and see Myah running towards me. 

"Hey" I say with a not so loud voice. 

She comes up and gives me a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck.

She should squeeze a little harder to end your pitiful life already..

"Stop" I whisper quietly.

"What was that Amanda?" Myah asks me. 

"I said I missed you" I say with a smile. 

"I missed you too! You were gone for awhile! what happened?" 

"Just some important stuff happened" I calmly say with a small shrug. 

"Like what? Did anything bad happen? Did you get hurt? ARE YOU OKAY?!" Her face turning red. 

"I feel like I'm being interrogated" I roll my eyes and start to walk into the school building. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me" She pokes my shoulder, and turns me around so I face her. 

"What are you, my moth--" I shut up and my face pales. 

"you okay? you sort of just..stopped..?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." 

"Where's your boyfriend?" 

"He's just getting some things out of the car. He's meeting me inside" I straighten out my posture, and pull my shirt down. 

"How's the baby? How far along are you?" She says with excitement.

"The baby is good. I'm about 10 weeks along." 

"When do you get to find out the sex of the baby?" 

"Hopefully soon" 

"Is Patrick excited?" I open the school front doors feeling the heat smack we right across the face. 

"I think so" 

"Can I be the auntie? Oh my gosh, I'd be such a great auntie!!" She gushes over the thought of being an auntie. I don't have a problem with that, But again, I feel like I'm being interrogated. 



"Stop with the questions right now, I promise I'll answer them later, but now, isn't the time. I don't want people finding out I'm... you know.." I lean into her ear and whisper, "pregnant.." 

"Oh yeah, okay. Secret is safe with me. But won't people be suspicious because your baby bump is noticeable.." her eyes dart to my stomach. 

"Shit.. I didn't think of that" 

You're such an idiot Amanda..

"I know" I roll my eyes. 

"You know what?"

"I..I know what I'm having for lunch today"

"Oh nice! I'm having a turkey wrap I packed from home!" 

"Nice.." I continue walking through the hallway and people keep giving me looks. 

Then the next thing I know, I hear the gossip. 

"Did she get knocked up?" 

"I heard she got raped"

"Man, I knew she was a slut"

"The quiet ones always shock you"

"I bet she's a prostitute" 

"She's probably taking over her sister" That one got to me.

The life of Amanda RaeWhere stories live. Discover now