Don't make a sound #27

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"Miss me?" I turn around and see who it is. 

Well fuck..

My eyes wide open, my breathing hasty.

"What the hell do you want?" I question, taking a step back. 

"I want you... oh I don't know.. dead?" Emily says, taping her chin. 

"And why is that?" my hands feel hot and sweaty as my body has a shock of cold tingles surging through my body. 

"Myron's orders" She reaches in her back pocket and takes out a silver knife, pointing it at me like it's a toy. Waving it in front of my face. 

"Emily" I breathe out, slowly taking a step back away from the knife. 

"Please" I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping for the best. 

If you aren't gonna kill yourself, someone else may as well do it!

A single tear falls down my cheek as I take in a deep breath. 

"Emily, you're better than this" I look at her in the eyes, then my attention goes to the knife in her hand. 

"Shut up" She yells, causing me to wince. 

"You don't need to do this" My voice cracks as I take another step back. 

"I said SHUT UP!" The knife still held firmly in her hand, mocking me. 

I take in a deep breath and release the hot air. I soon start to shake as my hands claw at my legs, seeming like comfort. 

I could always grab the knife with my good hand and use my left hand that has the cast to hit her, making the blast hurt more than a regular hit to the head. 


I could just run for my life and scream bloody murder. 

I like the second opinion better. 

"Your father is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He shows me love, respect, and he treats me like a damn queen! He gets me what I want when I tell him to! He told me to do this, to kill you, as a present for him!" She waves it in front of my face, touching my skin lightly with the cold, shiny blade.

Another tear falls down as Emily chuckles under her breath. 

"Wow, you really are pathetic aren't you?"

Told you you're pathetic..

I squeeze my eyes shut. 

"You're ugly, a slut, a whore, a depressed fucking freak" She laughs at me, jabbing me in the chest with her finger. 

"Remember when you did this to me?" And she punches me in the nose, causing me to stumble back, blood starting to pour out. 

"Fuck!" I yell out, clutching my nose. 

"Remember when you called me a 'good for nothing bitch'?" and she sends a blow to my stomach, causing me to clutch it with my hands as I fell to the ground. 

"Remember when you called me a slut?" She kicks me on my right side, causing a cry to escape from my lips. 

My body burns, it feels like fucking fire. It aches. I can't breathe because of the impact of both punches and that kick. I don't know what part of my body to hold, I just want this pain to go away. 

"Remember when your sister died? You looked so pathetic, sad.. Ugly" She spits out with anger as she kicks my left side. I scream from the pain, hoping someone hears me. 

"I'm the pretty one. I'm pretty, I have the looks, you don't. I don't see how Patrick is with you and not me!" She yells, charging the knife at me. I swiftly kick her feet, causing her to land on her wrist wrong, the knife clashing on the ground, making a sound that echoes through the thick, silent air. 

"YOU BITCH!" She yells and holds her wrist to her chest, crying. 

I scramble over to the knife, trying to get a good hold of it when someone steps on my not broken hand, crushing it right below them. You can hear the disgusting cracks, the unhealthy crunches, and the blood seeping through the gashes that are now being made from the cement as my hand is being crushed. 

I let out a sickening cry as big tears forms in my eyes. An evil, masculine laugh is sounded behind me as he pulls my hair back and whispers in my ear. 

"Hurt her like that again, I will not hesitate to slice your throat and watch you bleed the fuck out." He slams my head back and pulls my hair back again and whispers for the second time. 

"I will give you 10 seconds to run" He lets go of my hair and I scramble to my feet, not looking to see who it is and I start running and limping at the same time, holding my crushed hand to my chest, crying and letting out deep, big hot breaths of air and trying to gather some air to breathe. 

I hear the man yell "Ready or not, here I come" and my heart officially stops in my chest as I continue to run to where ever I'm running to, not daring to look back. 

Soon, I hear foot steps behind me, and my heart rate quickens. I feel someone cover my mouth and bring me to a side of a house and they whisper in my ear softly.

"If you make a sound, you are just about dead." And the man that was  behind me, passes us two, still running after me, trying to find me.

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