Sorry #12

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"Welcome to Mid Coast Hospital, Do you have an appointment scheduled today?" The lady has a wide smile on her face, lips covered in beautiful, bright red lipstick. Her black hair is slicked back into a tight hair bun, and her blue eyes are really showing some blue.

She's beautiful.



"Ma'am?" She asks me.

"Um, uh yeah, yeah I do." I smile, Not big, not small. Just enough to show her I'm okay.

You'll never be okay.

"You can do this girl." Myah came with me today. So did Patrick.

"Mhm" My heart beats rapidly.

"You got this." Patrick says, and kisses my temple.

"Your name miss?" The lady asks me.

"Am..Amanda. Amanda Rae" I stutter.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Right this way" She smiles again.

That smile is really getting old. It's fake. Extremely fake.

Myah is on my left side, her arm hooked with mine, and Patrick is holding my right hand. Giving it a couple squeezes then and there.

We walk into a room. The walls are a baby blue, the floor has white tiles, and there is a doctor's bed in the top left hand corner of the room. A computer on the bottom left corner with a computer chair next to it.

"The doctor should be with you in just a moment" She smiles again.

I nod.

She shuts the door.

"Do you wanna sit down love?" Patrick asks me.

"Um, sure" I go and sit down on the doctor's bed, with a noise of paper being crumpled underneath my butt.

A knock is followed on the door, then the door opens.

"Hello Ms.Rae, how are you today?" The man says.

"Peachy, just peachy"

"Very well, so I hear that you're pregnant, How far along are you dear?"

"About 4 or 5 weeks"

"Okay, good, good. Well I'd like for you to lay back so I can take a look at your stomach."

"O..Okay" I lay back and Patrick and Myah rushes to my side.

The doctor lifts my shirt up and goosebumps form across my stomach.

His hand touches my stomach and I tense up.

"Don't be nervous, I don't bite" He smiles.


"Sorry" I mumble quietly.


The life of Amanda RaeWhere stories live. Discover now