➵ 7

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<<May be extremely short>>

➳ Katniss





I sight as I close the tab on my phone. Some people disgust me, like the people that write those articles. Peeta is none of those things, he is not a man whore, he is not a womanizer, and if he is then I'm miss universe.

I roll my eyes and continue watching TV, I'm in the middle of watching We Bare Bears when my doorbell rings. I roll my eyes and walk to the door, when I open it a very unpleasant surprise is eaiting for me....

"Peeta, hello love" I close my door and Peeta walks to my room without saying anything to me. I follow him..

"Peeta, baby what's wrong?" I ask when I see he has red puffy eyes.

"They are wrong Katniss" he whispers it takes me 0.01 seconds to realize that he is talking about those news articles calling him a man whore and a womanizer. I completely forget that I wanted to kill him because of posting his picture with Delly without telling me first.

"No Peeta, your not" I walk up to my bed and rest my back on the headboard. I pat the side and Peeta comes over, he rests his head on my chest as I have my arms wrapped around him.

"Katniss you don't belive I'm one of those things right?" He looks at me, with puffy red eyes, his cheeks are alittle swollen. I plant a kiss on his perfect lips.

"If I thought you were one of those things trust me I wouldn't be here" I say and rest my forehead against his "I love you, and no matter what a fucking magazine article says about you is gonna change that"

He smiles sadly at me.

"It hurts me you know?" He says "It hurts me that so many people actually think that of me"

"So who cares, you got me and you got your fans we don't think that of you, know why because we know you" I hug him and he rest his head on my chest again

"And what do you know about me?" He asks and I play with his hair.

"I know that your the most amazing person ever, your so talented, and handsome, your so carefree, you have the biggest heart ever, you care about everyone's feelings before yours, your so adorable" I feel him smile on my chest. "Your magnificent, you always put my needs before yours, you don't get angry easily, you make me feel special and loved, your the only person who I am sure I love. Do I need to continue? Cause I can go on and on forever"

"I love you princess you can always make me feel better" He mumbles on my chest and I kiss his forehead.

"I love you too, my prince"


I got alittle emotional while I was writing this i was tearing up alittle bit yo feel me?😭

I just though I'll put this here because its a cute chapter and I felt in the mood for writing so this came out😆

At first i was gonna make katniss go all johanna on him but then i though of this and i was like 'why not make him cry?' and have a cute.chapter instead. :-)  besides i wanted to save sassy rude katniss for later but she is coming 😉

I leave you katniss outfit up there! 👗

As usual please vote and comment follow me going for the 300!

I love you, my secret treasure


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