"Why not?!" I yell frustrated
"He is the competition Katniss, and you can't be seen with the competition" he answer back.
"I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM" I yell and squeeze his hand
"I said no, see this is why we don't fall for the competition"
but i have an announcement to make but i want to move on so it will be at the end of the chapter in the author note :p
Recap- Ellen asked Katniss about the pictures taken at the club aka this one
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Fuck it!
I'm just going to speak the truth if any questions are asked I shall answer with the truth, I'm done with this shit.
"Oh that..." Delly begins
"Well isn't this one nice picture" Ellen says and I laugh.
"Yeah it is where you get it from?" I chuckle.
"The internet ofcourse, its a legit source you ahould try it" Ellen says and the crowd laughs.
"Now this picture was released yesterday anything you guys what to say about it?" Ellen asks.
"Well that went well" Ellen says "Okay Katniss, fans want to know is this you?"
I nod my head.
"Is that Peeta?"
I bite my lip.
"Well of course is not Peeta, Peeta is dating me not her" Delly says and for once I thank god she opened her mouth.
"I know that, but it seems like your fans Katniss really want you and Peeta together" Ellen continues.
"Alot of my fans think Peeta and I are in a relationship" I speak.
"Well what about you Delly since you are Peetas current girlfriend do you get any hate on social media and stuff?" Ellen turns to Delly and I let out a breath.
"Yes, and alot of it comes from Katniss fans actually they are rude little snoppy bitches" Thats when I lost it, and to think this was going well.
"Excuse me but who the fuck do you think, you possibly are. As long as I am concerned you don't pay my goddamn bills, so you have absolutely NO right to come and talk that way about my babies when they have dont absolutely nothing to you" I snap looking at her dead in her eye, no expression on my face. And I totally forgot this was a live interview.
"You call all the hate I get nothing" She counters back.
"Well if you don't like hate then you picked the wrong career honey" I flash her a face smile, Ellen tells them to go to commercial how ever we are still being filmed.
"What would you know?" She says and stands up.
"HONEY PLEASE. I been kn this business since I was 14, trust me I know. And if you think for a slight second that you can go around insulting MY BABIES, MY PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGLES then you are very wrong." I go for a swing, jesus I need to calm down. How ever I never hit her face become someone comes and carries me backstage.
"If you are--" I begin once Haymich lets go off me.
"I won't you did the right thing, no one should insult your babies" He says and nods his head, clearly proud.
"Thats right" I say.
"Now I want you to take a couple seconds and relax" he says.
"Inhale peace, exhale love"
"Alright I'm calmed" I say and ready to go continue with this interview.
"Delly refuses to continue this interview" Effie informs us.
"Tell her to quit being a fake diva" I say.
"Because a diva is born not faked" (an- my sisters say this all the time to me, apparently i was born a diva 😂)
Effie looks at me like im crazy, which I am but the best people are.
"You know what, I'll finish this by myself" I walk back out and let the show continue.
The show has to go on right?
For the rest of the interview I answer questions about my tour and stuff.
officialpeeta I agree what Delly said tonight was very bitchy of her to say specially when the Everdeen Fam are like little cinnamon rolls. #OhYesKatniss #YOUGOKAT
I might get killed later on but at least I'm showing support for my girlfriend almost hitting my 'girlfriend'.
I scroll through my Twitter and I get a notification Katniss tweeted.
itsmekatniss I love you guys. No one could ever insult yall or ill fight them, no one messes with my babies. NO ONE. 💙💙💙
Fav. Retweet.
I decide to message Katniss.
Princess Diva 👑💅
Hey love, i just want to say, Im sorry for yesterday I was an idiot and I probably got you in trouble. But I want you to know that what you did today was something admirable and i love.
i just want you to get home so i could shower you with kisses. 💋
i love you baby never forget that.
sorry if this sucked, i tried 👍
anyways will Katniss be okay, will she still be mad at peeta or will thay message change her mind?
tbh i myself dont know so lets find out together.
okay now for my announcement **drums in the background**
I might write a new *everlark* fanfic. **fireworks in the background along with a marching band**
.......Might..... **stops everything**
But then again there is a 99.9% chance i will **everything continues**
If i do write it, it will be called Love Language.
(?!) I know that some of tou guys want me to continue forced and im still trying okay Jennie hasnt gotten back on me yet.
As usual my babies vote and comment even if this sucked.