"Why not?!" I yell frustrated
"He is the competition Katniss, and you can't be seen with the competition" he answer back.
"I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM" I yell and squeeze his hand
"I said no, see this is why we don't fall for the competition"
Peeta's contract is over and I've never felt more free and alive. This is it, after everything we beent through the denials, the fake dates, the fake love between him and multiple girls. Everything is final over.
Today is the last day of my South American leg of the tour and I'm performing in Venezuela, the last show here of three. I decided to preform for free in Venezuela because of all the economic problems they are having, so all the concerts were opened for free to anyone who would like to come.
As I finish the show I thank Venezuela and wish them the best with their economic problems telling them I would be back soon and then I exit the stage.
As soon as I am free I climb with Jo to the Jet to go back to America.
-Next Day-
As I wake up I can't help but to smile, we are free. I am so excited to see Peeta. I know I can't meet him right now because he is probably in a meeting so I decide to take a trip to the mall. But I am to excited so I decide to take it to Instagram to share my happiness.
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bruhitskatnisstoday will be a good day i can feel it, love you all x.
I get in my range rover and drive to the mall. I went a little crazy buying makeup but I just get excited, plus my best friends birthday is soon so I buy for her, my make-up artist also needs more products so I gladly buy those for him. Then I walk into Dolce and Gabbana, while Im there I find the cutest jackets and I decide to buy 3. Since Cato's sister in law gave birth I bought it for her and her family. They are going to look so cute. I also bought a dress for myself. I also buy Peeta's 4 nephews matching blue onesies and his little baby niece an adorable pink flower dress along with some beautiful sneakers. I also buy some sunglasses for myself and Peeta. I then repeat the process with several other stores.
A couple hours later I find myself in my house, I'm going to call Peeta tell him to meet me for lunch, here at my house, he agrees.
Ten minutes later I found myself infront of my lover. As soon as he closed the door I jumped on his arm and gave him a huge hug.
"I missed you love" I tell him and he hugs me tighter.
"I missed you more" he kisses my lips. After that we spend some time talking about the tour and everything.
"I bought the cutest things for your nephews and niece" I go to my room and grab the 6 bags full of clothes for them. Peetas eyes widen when he sees the bags.
"You spoil them to much" he laughs, then kisses my cheek. "Dolce and Gabbana huh?"
"Well while I was on tour, they contacted and they want for me to become the new face of Dolce and Gabbana" I respond.
"Congrats baby!" He tells me.
"Thanks we should go out tomorrow to celebrate, they are actually throwing a dinner for me" I say.
"Can't do babe" he says.
"I thought we were free" I say
"Well I got drunk the other day.."
Going to leave this here for the suspense..
im not dead btw
ill try to update more from now..
check out my random facts about myself there is something important there you should read..