
387 25 11

I am currently eating pecan ice cream and i felt inspired by it so enjoy the chapter.



Are you sure you want to delete your comment on bruh.itskatniss Instagram picture? (You're gorgeous 😍)


Comment has been deleted.



Once Katniss and I finished our food, we exited the restaurant but Katniss got stopped by fans to take a picture.

I wait patiently for her to finish but meanwhile my notifications blow up with a bunch of Everlark shippers telling me that Peeta deleted the comment where he called Katniss beautiful.

I read over some of the tweets.

@theheckiseverlark // deleting the comment was no use @OfficialPeeta

@Everlarkmaybe // when peeta deletes the comment and will try to act like nothing happened ...

@whyevenbotherwitheverlark // peetas interview tomorrow

interviewer: what about the comment

peeta: it was ment for delly, i just confused instagram page.


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