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After yesterday I felt incredibly down. I was still expected to go to the studio and finish my scene but I just felt so sad.

"Hi Jo" I said once she picked up.

"Hi Kat" she answered.

"I just wanted to let you know I won't be able to make it today" I smiled sadly.

"Are you sick?" She asked.

"No but I'm feeling really down and I won't be able to give it my all if I'm not happy, I rather not waste the time" I continued.

"Are you okay?" She wondered worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to clear my head. I'll see you soon, please tell the crew I'm sorry" I didn't want to fail them but when you got to, you got to.

"Take care darling and don't even worry about us" She said sadly, "See you soon babe"

I hunged up and laid in bed for a while. I wanted to be happy so I decided to go to the place that never fails to make me happy: Peeta's apartment.

He has a jacuzzi I love. So I stood up put on a swimsuit and a cover up, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

I drove to his apartment in a gated community. He had given me full access so I was free to go and come as I pleased.

Once I got to his apartment I turned on the jacuzzi and stipped to my bikini.

I dipped my feet in there waiting for it to get full. I moved my feet along the water since it relaxed me.

"Katniss is that you?" A voice said, I jumped and turned around.

Peeta was standing there in his sweatpants looking like he just got out of bed.

Wait a minute, he is supposed to be in New York.

I remained quiet, I hear his foot steps and he sat on my side not dipping his feet.

"I missed you" he kissed my shoulder.

I took a deep breath.

"Kat, I know that my actions yesterday were horrible and I feel like such a shit for the way I acted. In the moment I was jealous and I acted on my emotions, I am so sorry" he took one of my hands and kissed it.

"After 3 years of being together do you really think I wouldn't let you know if I felt like we weren't working out" I said lowly.

"Of course you would and I'm so sorry" He said again squeezing my hand.

"Lionel is Jo's co star, I have a small part in Stars Align. Yesterday we were going to head out for lunch all three of us but the director held Jo back and that's why Lionel and I were alone, she joined us after that and nothing happened" I didn't feel the need to explain myself but I know him and he needs it.

"I feel like such a shit, please forgive me my love" he rested his head on my shoulders.

"I accpet your apologize but next time wait for me to tell you, if there is a crazy rumor I will let you know. I wouldn't do you wrong like that" I finally looked into his eyes. The were calmed as he nodded.

He then gave me a hug and I burried my face in his neck, I had missed him dearly.

"What are you doing here? I though you still had a week in NYC" I asked.

"Last minute trip" he shrugged.

"Oh well that's fun" I kissed his cheek.

"Kat can I tell you something?" He held both of my hands and took a deep breath.

"Anything" I smiled.

"I'm renewing my contract with Capital and Snow"

I felt as if my world came crashing down, all the plans I made for nothing.

My mouth ran dry, "Why?"

"I just feel like it's going really well for me right now and I want to keep it that way" He couldn't look into my eyes.

"What about us? What about the contract Haymich offered you?" I wanted him to say that he was joking.

"Come on Kat, we both know hw offered me the contract because of you" he shook his head, "That's not how I want to get into Twelve"

"What about us?" I asked again the most important part.

"It's just another year or two" He said.

"No" I made him look at me.

"What do you mean no?" He asked shocked.

"I think we should break up" the words slipped from my mouth but they had to be said and deep down maybe they were what I felt.

"You can't run away when things get hard. Relationships mean loyalty and support" He said and I got angry, he wants to talk about support I'll talk to him about support.

I dropped his hands and stood up, he followed after me.

"I from day 1 have been nothing but supportive. I've watched as every girl Capital made you date came and went, I stood by every single day watching you do interviews, walk red carpets, post pictures and love declarations on social media, and still when you came home I greeted you with love and support. I let your label use my name to promote your music. I stood by your side all the times you cried because of the womanizer situation. All while being stepped on by your 'girlfriends' fanbase. Don't bring up support" I was fuming and crying.

"But if you have to bring it up please tell me how you have supported me? Sure you said you like my album in that one interview, you comment on my Instagram and that's it! I stood by you when you resigned the contract when you were drunk, and when you signed it again willingly. I pretended it didn't bother me because your career was taking off but truly I was dying inside" I wanted to yell but I stayed calm and collected as the tears fled my eyes.

"You know what, I had it" I wiped away my tears, "I'm tired of putting 100% of me into this relationship and not getting it back"

I began to walk away, I had nothing left to say.

Peeta held onto my hand, I looked up and his eyes filled with tears.

"Don't end us this way Katniss" he begged.

"I didn't end us Peeta, you did by pushing me to this point" I broke from his grip, I grabbed my purse and left.

As soon as the door to his apartment closed I broke down again, the tears rolled from my eyes until I got to my car.

I quickly drove home.

When I got there Jo was watching TV on my bed.

"I been waiting for you" she smiled getting up but then she saw my tears. "What happened?"

"It's done. Peeta and I broke up" the tears rolled from my eyes.

"Come here darling" Jo opened her arms and I wrapped my hands around her waist and burries my face in her neck.

The sobs filled the room as I allowed myself to truly break down.


dun dun dun

hope you enjoyed

i love you,

please vote and comment

if you see her tell her im well, that there is someone by my side who makes me happy

-e x.

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