"Why not?!" I yell frustrated
"He is the competition Katniss, and you can't be seen with the competition" he answer back.
"I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM" I yell and squeeze his hand
"I said no, see this is why we don't fall for the competition"
while i was writing this i was on a bus to mexico, so i apologie in advance for the mistakes there will be,,,
"Gracias Peru, como siempre son uno de los mejores publicos que un artista puede tocar. Los amo!" (Thank you Peru, like always you guys are one of the best audience an artist can play at. I love you)
After that I go backstage, compliments on my show today fly around.
I go over toy dressing room and put on some sweats and a baggy shirt. I remove my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. I grab a jacket and head out.
I feel like a damn teenager, sneaking around to see my boyfriend.
Once I got to the park where we are supposted to meet it was really close to the stadium I was playing at so I just walked there.
This was a bad idea.
I did not think this through, why the hell did i agree to meet Peeta in a park at 2:30 am. Especially with out having a body guard with me.
Sometimes I feel very stupid.
I sat down in a bench and looked at the time 2:35 am, alright he is only five minutes later.
2:40 am.
2:45 am.
That's when I leave the park, I already waited 15 minutes, I'm tired and want to go to bed. If Peeta shows up he can fuck himself.
Suddenly my phone beeps, its Peeta on Instagram
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Peeta.Mellark93 smoke sesh with my girl 🚬
That's when I loss it. I turn back on my heels and go to Peetas hotel room.
He will hear from me.
As I enter his hotel room I see him and Delly on the couch.
I walk over, he sees me and his eyes light up.
I slap him across the face.
"Katniss, what the hell?!" Peeta screams.
"First you left me in the park alone, I'm guessing you forgot. Then you post a picture with this bitch smoking. SMOKING PEETA" I scream at his face.
"Katniss calm down" he says.
That catches his attention and looks at me.
"Number one, you will never take such cute pictures like that if it wasn't with me. Number two, you promised to never ever forget a date or be late. Number three you smoked which is something I always ask you not to do!" I raise a finger as I count each one.
"You have to understand me, I'm doing this for us!" Peeta yells at me.
"Number Four, you're raising your voice at me" I raise another finger
"Now you are being ridiculous" he sighs.
"Am I really?" I say.
"Look Peeta, I understand the taking a photo with her. But you skipped our date to take that photo which you could have done earlier or even later. Plus you smoked that one is just unacceptable" I shake my head.
"You're right Im sorry for everything" he tries to hug me.
"No, sorry won't cut it this time. But I'm sorry too for slapping you" I push him away, he nods.
"Its alright but why did you do it?" He asks,
"I needed a dramatic entrence I couldn't just pop up and yell at you" he laughs.
"Alright then"
"Anyways I have to go, tour bus leaves in an hour" I wave goodbye and leave.
As I wake up in the morning doing my moring social media check a picture pops up.
Its me slapping Peeta earlier today.
This bitch didn't.
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TheRealCartwright if you ever bruh.itskatniss hurt him again i will not answer for my actions 😘
I go straight to the comment section, so she thinks she can humiliate me in front of everyone hell no.
I type in the comments
bruh.itskatniss then why didn't you do anything the first time if you were there?
im back and had to post this.
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if you ever feels alone dont, you are never on your own