"Why not?!" I yell frustrated
"He is the competition Katniss, and you can't be seen with the competition" he answer back.
"I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM" I yell and squeeze his hand
"I said no, see this is why we don't fall for the competition"
Oh Valentine's Day, the most wonderful way to enjoy it is relax. I also want to relax because we start shooting Tangled tomorrow so I have to get on a flight early in the morning.
So as I sit in my couch my doorbell rings, I get up to open it and see its a delivery man.
"Katniss Everdeen?" He asks, I nod "I have a deliver for 270 roses, please sign here"
I'm shocked but I sign. Soon 5 men walk inside my house and set the flowers down on my counter.
"Thank you so much" I lead them to the door.
"No problem. Enjoy your gift" And with that they are gone.
I scramble to find a the card attached to the flowers but I finally do.
a rose for all the 270 days i wont be able to be with you
i love you. -peeta
He is so sweet. I bought him a present too but I haven't given it to him yet. Now that I think about it mine may be horrible compared to his.
le prince 💎
im coming over in a little bit, bye love you.
I smile and set my phone on the counter. Peeta and I won't be leaving the house because paparazzi could see us together.
In the mean time I go outside to my patio and set up a blanket, it's a lovely day outside.
"I'M HERE" I smile and walk inside my house.
"Hello darling" I greet him with a hug and a kiss in his cheek.
"Hello princess" He kisses my for head with a smile, "I brought us some Del Taco and some dessert to enjoy"
"Thank you, and thank you for the roses, they are beautiful" I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You're the most welcome" He kisses my forehead.
"I set up a picnic for us outside, lets go" Peeta and I grab the food and go outside.
We eat some delicious food and we end up feeding each other white chocolate covered strawberries.
"Hey it's time for your present" I tell him as he feeds me one last strawberry, "Come on lets go inside"
We go to Peeta's room in my house where I have several presents waiting for him on his bed.
"Come on, open them" I encourage him and he nods, "Happy Valentine's Day, my love"
I know Peeta is a cologne enthusiasts so I bough him bottles of his favorite colognes and some random ones that I think he will like. Next he opens up a teddy bear which I know he has a soft spot for stuffed animals. Peeta like most people likes to collect things, he collects colognes, he also collects watches. And let me tell you I have been on the hunt for this watch like my life depended on it.
"You didn't!" He gasps as he looks at the watch
"Oh but I did!" I laugh at his excitement. I got him a "Patent Pending" Double Red Sea Dweller , I had no idea what that meant but Finnick helped me get it. Lastly he opens up a jar, which is filled with 270 reasons why I love him.
"Oh princess, thank you, I love you" Peeta kisses me, I smile.
"So glad you like it"
"I love it" He says, "Now I got you something else"
He says and leaves the room then he comes back with a couple of boxes.
"Open them" he is so excited I laugh. I open the first one and there are like 30 mugs in this box. I love mugs, I love coffee and tea.
"Aww thank you" I say and put it aside, I open the next box and there are about 25 sunglasses. I am a sunglass fanatic I love sunglasses.
"Oh I love you" I gasp. I then open up the next box to reveal a Hermes Limited Edition bag I wanted so much but wasn't able to get.
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"I'm not going to say you didn't because you did and I love you" I don't even pick up the purse I just throw myself at Peeta, he laughs.
I place my lips on him, I wrap my legs around his waist, he starts walking next door to my room as he kisses my neck.
We had sex, which is the only thing will get for a couple of months until I visit or he visits.
I left the next day and as far as I knew everything was great.
I know valentines was 2 days ago but bare with me that's when thus was supposed to be up.
i want to thank you guys for taking time from your precious day to read my stuff, i love you