Chapter Three

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Leah's P.O.V.

"Why did you run away from me?" he asked me softly.

"I-I-" I stuttered.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." he said.

"It's alright. Back at my old pack, that I ran away from, the BloodVenom Sky Pack, everyone their treated me like shit. I ignored it because I knew that I wasn't the one who killed my parents, the Beta and Beta Female. Everyone believed the Alpha and Luna about me killing my parents. My brother, Alex, tried to help convince the Alpha and Luna that I didn't kill them, but no one believed. Then, the Alpha and Luna's son, Parker, was turning eighteen and was being handed down the title of Alpha and finding his mate. A-And I turned out to be his mate. But, he rejected me..." I told him. He just hugged me really hard, embracing me in his arms. I hugged him back.

"It's okay. That sick excuse of an Alpha does not deserve someone as beautiful as you." I blushed a very deep red.

"Thank you. But, you can reject me if you want. I'm not good enough as your mate or Luna of this pack." I whispered. He growled. I flinched at his growl. He calmed down, knowing my flinch.

"I won't reject you for the world. You are my mate, my everything. Even if you think you are not good enough, I think you are the best thing that will ever happen to me. Don't put yourself down. I'll be there by your side forever." he said in a soft tone. I feel tears in my eyes forming. 

"B-But you deserve someone better. I am nothing. I was even a omega. Why would you want someone like me?" I asked him.

"Because you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life. Seriously. I seen a lot of girls in the pack, but you are the one who stands out the most." he answered.

"Thank you." I told him again. He just laughed softly.

"I love your little thank you's. It makes you really cute." he said.


"What is your favorite color?" he asked me.

"Blue. What is your favorite food?" I replied.

"Sushi. Have you ever went on a date with someone else?" 

"Yes." he growled at that part. He pulled my towards his chest and hugged me tightly.

"Mine. You are mine and mine only. Only I can touch you and look at you, no one else." he said. I blushed and nodded. With his arms around me, I felt safe, like no one is going to take me away, with him around. We were in this position for a few minutes, before he pulled apart.

"C'mon. We should go eat something, knowing you haven't ate for a few hours already. And later, I'll have one of the girls in the pack house go shopping for some new clothes for you." he told me.

"T-Thank you." I replied. 

"No need to thank me. You are my mate. I will do anything for you." he told me. I nodded.


After Cameron made something for me to eat, he had a girl names Audrey come and helped me go shopping for some clothes.

"YES! GIRL TIMEEEE!" Audrey screamed. I giggled at her enthusiasm. "Come on. We need to go everywhere. New clothes, pants, underwear, and bras." 

"Okay." I told her. But then I realized that I had no money. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" Audrey asked.

"I-I don't  have any money." I told her embarrassed.

"Go ask the Alpha, I'm pretty sure he would give you some, right?" she answered.

"I'm not sure.."

"Well, I'll wait for you. Go ask him." 

"Alright." I answered hesitantly. I walked back in the pack house and to Cameron's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I walked through the door and it smelled like Cameron. "What's wrong, beautiful?" he asked.

"I-I don't have any money for shopping." I whispered. He pulled out his wallet and walked towards me. "Here you go." he said and gave me his credit card.

"T-Thanks. I'll pay you back when I find a job." I told him.

"No need to pay me back. I'm your mate. I'll give you anything you want." he said.

"N-No. I want to pay you back." she told him.

"Please don't. I don't want you to pay me back." he told me sadly.

"Okay.. Thank you." I walked out the door and back outside to where Audrey was waiting for me. 

"You got the money?" she asked me cheerfully.


"Let's goooooooooooooooooo!" 

We got in the car. Audrey was the one driving. She drove us to the mall with 100 shops in there. We got out of the car and walked into the mall.

"Alright, where do you want to go first?" she asked me.

"I don't know."

"Follow me then." I followed her through a whole crowd and into one of the shops. We walked in there and she picked out a whole bunch of outfits.

"Um.. Am I supposed o try all of these?" I asked her.

"Yep. And once we are done here, we are going to the next shop." I groaned. 


After a couple of hours shopping with Audrey, I'm pretty sure half the money in Cameron's credit card was gone. We loaded the car with all the shopping bags and Audrey drove us back to the pack house. A couple of men came and took our bags to our room.

"Thanks for coming with me." I told Audrey.

"No problem. It was fun shopping with you." she said. "Maybe we can hang out at school."

"Oh. About that, I'm not allowed to go to school. Or at least in my old pack." I said sadly.

"WHAT?!!!!! YOU NEVER WENT TO SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOL?!" she screamed at me. I flinched at her tone. "Sorry. It's just I never met anyone who never went to school before. Maybe you should ask Alpha Cameron." With that she waved me a goodbye and went up to her room.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on Cameron's office. 

"Come in." he said.

I walked in the room and Cameron got up off his chair and hugged me.

"You're back." he said happily. "I thought you could have been kidnapped or something." I laughed.

"Cameron, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?" 

I pushed him away from me and looked him into the eye.

"C-Can I go to school?" I asked him embarrassed.

"Of course you can. School starts next week then, alright?" 

"Okay." I attacked him with the biggest hug ever. He laughed and hugged me back. "Thank you."

"No more thank you's, alright?" I nodded, but I knew I would always say thank you every time he does something nice to me.


Alright I update every Saturday now.


Thanks for reading and stopping by ;D


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