Chapter Eighteen

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Leah's P.O.V.

After we finished eating our breakfast, we hurried to get our backpacks and get ready for school. Cameron told me to get Audrey and Tyler (A/N Don't remember if that were their names cough) so that we can go to school together. I ran up the stairs and knocked at their door. 

"GUYS! GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!!" I screamed at their door. No one answered. I opened their door to see that they were still sleeping. I sighed. I went up to them and screamed at the top of my lungs. I immediately woke up and saw me standing there.

"Oh... hey Leah..." Audrey said, sleepily. 

"It's time for school~~~" I sang. 


Tyler and Audrey got up the bed in a hurry and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I laughed at them and ran out of their door. I went back downstairs in a hurry and saw Cameron cooking breakfast for all of us. He popped out one more piece of toast and set it on the table.

"Cameron... I hate to ruin your moment but we are gonna be late for school, by the way." I said.

He looked at his watch and his eyes grew big.

"Oh shit.." he muttered under his breath. "WE GOTTA GO!"

I laughed at him. I went to grab a piece of toast and saw the delicious pieces of bacon on the table. I stuffed some in my mouth and walked towards the door. Cameron laughed at me.

Tyler and Audrey came running down the stairs and almost tripped each other at the very last step. 

"Holy shit," they both said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed. They went to the table and grabbed a piece of toast before following me and Cameron out the door. 

"I'll drive!" said Cameron. We all followed to his car and he drove us all to school. We were almost late, thank god Cameron drives super fast.

We all ran towards the front door and we went to our separate classes.


omg hey guys! AHAHAH! I opened wattpad after a whole year and decided to update this tiny chapter for you guys because I saw the comments and how you guys wanted me to update! <3 I appreciate every single one of you for reading this awful book xD

yes, it has been three years since I last updated I think. I'm so sorry :( school is actually insane.

Thank you guys so much for reading this book and still voting for it haha. <3 (though i dont know if you guys will still read it after so long rip)

I might update another chapter another time but I cannot promise you :( I forgot what this book was about and stuff so maybe I'll read it over and conduct the plot!! <3

ps. the first part of this chapter was written like 1 or 2 years ago so... I just added a little bit more to this chapter haha I'm so lazy. 


-ixCookiez (lazy author)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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