Chapter Four

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Leah's P.O.V.

Today is the day where I get to go to school for the the first time in years. I bought all of my school supplies and a backpack.

"Leah! Are you ready?" Cameron said. I walked out of my room with my stuff and wore my shoes. I didn't bother putting on any make-up. "Alright, let's go to school."

"Okay." I said in a cheery voice. Yay! School! We got into Cameron's car and he drove us to school. He parked the car in the parking lot and walked over to my side and opened the door for me. 

"Thanks." I mumbled softly.

"No problem." he said with a big smile on his face. We walked towards the school building and there were a lot of people looking at me. I just hid behind my hair. Cameron seem to notice my nervousness, so he took his hand and interlaced it with mine. Sparks erupted everywhere on my hand.

We finally got inside the building, but there were still many pairs of eyes on me. I just shrugged it off because I am finally at school, for the first time. Cameron led me into the principal's office and told her to give me my schedule. 

Cameron made the principal make my schedule the same as his. I like his over protectiveness, said my wolf. Same, I told her. Cameron handed me my schedule and I looked at it. Math, Chemistry, History, and gym at the last period. Nice.

"C'mon, let's go to class." Cameron told me. I nodded my head. We walked towards the classroom, with Cameron's hand still in mine. He opened the door for me, like a gentlemen. 

"Thanks... again." I said. 

"No more "thank you's." he said seriously. " You're my mate. I would do anything for you." I shook my head.

"I want to. You have done so many things for me, I don't have anything else to do, besides say thank you." I said in a whisper.

"Alright. Whatever makes you happy, I will be happy, too. No matter what you do." he said kindly. I love him so much! said my wolf. I do, too, I told her.

We walked in the classroom and was greeted by the teacher. 

"Good morning, Alpha, Luna." he said. "My name is Mr. Camp. You may choose any seat you would like. We will just start with some math worksheets, to see how much you know." He handed us our worksheets. I looked at it, and it was really confusing. There were just a bunch of numbers and a bunch of operations.

Me and Cameron walked towards seats so that we could be seated next to each other.

"Um.. Cameron?" I asked Cameron.

"Yes?" he said.

"I-I don't know how to do this...." I said REALLY embarrassed.

"It's fine. I'll help you." he said happily. He explained all these complicated stuff and I got it at last.

"Ohhhhhhhh. I seeeeeee. Thanks!" I said and hugged him on the side. His scent is so addicting. He hugged me back and chuckled lightly.


After school was over, Cameron led me back to his car. Some girls were trying to get his attention when we were walking. I just wanted to kill them on the spot, knowing that Cameron might leave me for them.. But, I wouldn't mind, because I knew that he deserved someone better. But... mate.., said my wolf. It's fine, we already went through this once, we can do it again, right? I said sadly. Mate....she said again. I blocked her out of my head, not wanting to hear anything anymore.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Cameron asked concernedly. I nodded my head. "I know your not. Don't lie to me please. I want to help you in anyway possible... Please tell me what's wrong."

"W-Will you leave me with one of those girls?" I said sadly. He growled and I flinched.

"Who gave you that  idea?" he said angrily.

"My old pack... and my former mate, who rejected me, knowing that everyone hates me.." I said in a small whisper. His eyes softened and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back the same way.

"I will never reject you. You are the most greatest thing that has ever happened to me.. I would never reject you for some fake shit." he said. I smiled.

"Thank you. For accepting me.." 


We let go of each other and people stared at us with shock. Some of the girls looked disgustedly at me, so I just hid behind Cameron.

"Why are you hiding behind me?" he said with a chuckle.

"People are staring at us." I said with a whisper. He whipped his head around and saw everyone with their mouths opened, shocked looks, and disgusted looks, mostly pointed towards me. "Stop looking at your future Luna like that." he said in his Alpha tone. Everyone bowed their heads, except for one girl, who has too much revealing clothes. 

She started walking towards us and I hid behind Cameron further.

"What about me? I thought I was going to be your Luna." she said as she faked her tone. "You used to always sleep with me. Didn't we have a connection?" I frowned. I started backing away from Cameron with fear. The girl smirked.

"C-Cameron..." I said stuttering. He looked at me and frowned. He started walking towards me, but I backed even further.

"I'm not going to hurt you.. Please..Don't back up.." he said with a really soft tone.

"H-How do I know that?" I whispered. The girl walked up.

"This is why you don't be with a loser like.. that." the girl pointed at me and said in a obvious tone. Tears started forming in my eyes, knowing that this information she is saying is true.

"Brittany." Cameron said with a very angry tone. I'm guessing this girl's name is Brittany. Cameron stalked over to Brittany and held her up by her collar. Her eyes widened. "Don't you dare speak to my mate and your future Luna like that." he said in his Alpha tone.

"Why are you even believing her that she is your mate anyways?" Brittany said irritated.

"Because she is. I love her with all my heart, and I am not going to lose her just because of you." Cameron said. H-He loves me? YAY! OUR MATE LOVES USS! screamed my wolf. I laughed at her enthusiasm. Cameron and Brittany both looked at me. 

"Sorry.. My wolf said something.." I said quietly. Brittany laughed at me with one of the most highest pitches I have ever heard. I covered my ears. Cameron threw Brittany on the floor and came running towards me.

"Leah.." Cameron said softly. I looked up at him.


"I'm sorry.. I didn't know I was hurting you when she was talking about me and her's past." Cameron said softly, looking straight into my eye.

"I-It's fine.."

"Can I ask you something?" Cameron said. I nodded my head.

"Do you accept me? As your mate?" he said seriously.



Okay, bye.

- Cookiez

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