Chapter 12 (Books)

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********RED ALERT********


Those unlucky ones who stayed, ENJOY.

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Tina's words scared me like hell.

Vivian didn't seem to give up trying to dragoon me into entering her world of opportunities like she did with Tina. It was repulsive what was expected of a homeless young girl to be willing to do for money. I was definitely not going to sell myself but the truth is, I couldn't help but be scared of the possibility of being someone who had nothing to lose any more. Like poor Tina. No matter what she'd done I couldn't find it in me to blame her. She was a helpless victim.

My facial muscles contorted as I tied my shoelaces, trying to shake the streak of despair that tried to overcome my thoughts.

These workless days were no piece of cake. I had to run away from this place whenever I could. Work, the library , and the park were my only sanctuary. I didn't enjoy doing many things but only in these places I found inner peace.

Ironically, This kind of sounds like Cinderella. She had to return to her cruel stepmother at midnight after tasting a bit of good life at the prince's palace . This place, the shelter, was my evil stepmother who gave me a bed at night but couldn't care less about my feelings.

A low groan came out of my chest as I got up, sauntered to the full length mirror beside the door to adjust the collar of my polo. I checked the strap of my bag as I slid it onto my shoulder.

Think about happy things, Melody.

I told myself, pushing the negative thoughts away. I guess it could be a good idea to find a second job or work overtime at the café? That would be great. Just fill these empty hours with more distraction and minimize the amount of time I spend in here. But staying out until late? That was not my favorite thing in the world. This city was not exactly a utopia for a lone girl at night.

Honestly, I was already dreading coming back from the park before I even went out from the door. More time here meant bigger chance of bumping into she who must not be named!

Walking back to the bedside, I sighed heavily, my hand slid under the pillow to grab the Nora Roberts book I'd already finished and stuffed it into my bag. I'd replace it on my way to the park since I was taking the bus anyway.

Out of nowhere, a little memory flourished in my mind once I thought about books.


It had been last week when he sat down at his isolated table, looking so absorbed into this book he brought with him that day. And I was dying to know what it was about. I literally couldn't control myself. He was so focused on whatever he was reading, this enigmatic expression on his handsome face, and I kept nudging Asha to ask Susie to sneak a peek and try to read the title of his book.

"Are you nuts? And I thought I was the stalker! You're really losing it, Melo." Asha shook her head, looking concerned as she twisted the side of her mouth into a dimpled half grimace.

"Please, Ash. Please tell her. I'm dying here." I was practically pleading with her to agree, begging with my hands holding each other in the air between us. I was too embarrassed to ask Susie myself. She didn't seem to like me so much for whatever reason.

"Fine. What's the trade?" Asha raised her perfect crescent eyebrows, her hands on her waist.

"Trade?" I asked in confusion.

"Uh huh! You have to pay for this one." She nodded firmly.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Your share of the tips today."

My face fell. I wasn't being cheap it's just... I needed to save every penny for the future. Be it a college tuition or anything else. I couldn't afford to squander money over trivialities.

"Alright. " I agreed in defeat.

" God heavens, Melody! I can't believe you'd really pay money for him! I was joking, bonehead!" Asha brought her hands to the sides of her face, glaring at me in disbelief.

I'd felt so embarrassed that my face flushed and I almost cried out of humiliation. I brought my palms to hide my face.

"Oh no, you don't! Gosh, I'm sorry, Melody. Ok, I'll tell her... I'll tell her right now. Just don't, ok?" Asha cooed, putting an arm around my shoulders.

I distracted myself with cleaning up my workspace until Asha came back with a disappointed expression. I stood still listening to her answer to my foolish desire.

"Susie says it's not in English. Sorry."

I smiled and nodded but I felt that I figured out something new about him that day. He was smart and he knew at least two languages. That kinda made my day.

I snapped out of my trance, getting back down on earth, my dorm room.

His book attracted me because books were my friends. My lifesavers and just about my only pleasurable pastime since I've known how to read. But things could get too tough at times that even a good book couldn't fix.

A pint of ice cream? That was my plan B. Plan C was a bag of chips. but then they would eventually go down the drain, leaving me with the burning guilt of acting like a ravenous baby elephant.

Speaking of ravenous. I guess I might find in my bag one of those breakfast bars to have a quick bite at the park. No time or energy to waste on the breakfast they serve downstairs at the cafeteria.


My nose wrinkled, recalling the colorless, tasteless mush I had yesterday; a healthy portion of oatmeal that my stomach refused to put up with. I wish I could just live without food. Especially that I try to shove aside most of the food I actually love to eat, which is usually all junk food, in order to feel better about myself. Hugging the porcelain monster was not supposed to be a daily sport.

Marching to the door, I shook my head, determined to focus on my plans for today. I knew better than to expect too much but I had this rare feeling in my bones that it was going to be an exceptional day.

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