Chapter 46 (At Home)

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Are you ready, kids!


I can't hear you!


A chunk of consciousness spiraled back into my head when I heard SpongeBob SquarePants theme song. I used to love the show. It didn't sound like the one on TV, though. Someone was mimicking the voices. The singing was so close, accompanied by continuous squeaks that grated on my ears.

My eyelids fluttered open to meet the sunlight peeking through a lace curtain. I squinted and rolled my incredibly heavy head to the right to see the source of the noise.

There was a little girl - about nine or ten - in a pink, floral dress. Her long hair was done into a chocolaty braid. She was cute with delicate features and doe eyes as she crossed her skinny legs on a rocking chair, swinging it back and forth while she sang.

My eyes fully opened, scanning the place around me. This wasn't Akram's room in Manhattan. I pulled myself up on the bed, feeling every bone in my body groaning with pain.

"Jan... Jan, where are you?" a soft feminine voice called, before a gentle looking lady entered the room, holding a tray in her hands.

The lady stopped and smiled when she laid eyes on me. "Sorry, dear. Did Jannah wake you up?"

I shook my head, staring at her in confusion. I must've looked pathetic, because the look in her eyes teemed with pity. Tiny wrinkles appeared around her eyes as she smiled kindly. She had ash-brown hair tied into a bun, frameless glasses, and a rather rounded figure.

The little girl continued to sing, the chair continued to squeak, and my head was hollow as I continued to gape at her. I couldn't remember seeing her before, but something in her eyes made me feel at ease.

The lady inched closer, placing the breakfast tray on the bed. She swept her hand over my hair. "How are we today?"

I nodded my head. Her touch was soothing, like the touch of the mother I'd never had. I tried to speak, but my dry lips trembled soundlessly.

Her smile grew more sympathetic. "I'll let you sleep in." She turned to the little girl on the rocking chair. "Jan. Come with me, dear."

"No!" I croaked, clinging to her arm. She raised her brows, the motherly smile more concerned. "W-where's Akram? Is-is he okay?"

A shudder coursed through my spine. The only memories I recalled was Akram telling me we had to go with Laila to his parents' home. The next thing, I was staggering in a doorway, leaning on Akram's shoulder when I'd noticed that his arm was bleeding again. Everything had gone dark afterwards. I remembered nothing in between.

"He's fine, dear. They're all waiting outside." She nodded reassuringly.

My bashed brain couldn't care less who they were. All I cared about was Akram.

"I need to see him," I rasped.

In haste, I threw the covers back and jumped out of bed. Dark spots began to pop into the air and my wobbly legs failed to hold me up.

"Careful, sweetie." The lady supported me with her arms, helping me sit back down on the edge of the bed.

"H-he was hurt." My voice trembled.

"My boy's fine. He's just concerned about you."

I stared up at her benign features, recognizing her eyes for the first time.

"You're Sophie?" I murmured absently, then my face heated up. "I'm so sorry! I mean... Mrs. Sadiq."

"You can call me Sophie." Her smile creased the corners of her eyes, the same way it did for her son. "It's nice to meet you, Melody."

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