Chapter 37 (Shopping Trip)

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The afternoon was sunny and warm. A perfect opposite of yesterday. Or was it the fact that Akram was right beside me as we left his building? Akram's apartment was in a perfect location; the seventh floor of a red brick building on Central Park West. The building overlooked the north side of the park; a constant reminder of our official first meeting.

Akram had already booked an Uber via his phone, and he seemed to know exactly where we were going. He opened the car door, ushered me to the backseat, flashing a cheerful smile.

Something was bizarre about his behavior today, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something that helped ease my tension, but left me wondering what he was up to. He'd had the chance to ask me about what happened. He could've pressed me to confess my life story if he wanted, but he chose to ignore it. It was like he decided to avoid the mention of last night at all costs.

My mind wavered between relief and suspicion, even though I decided to go along for now. At least Akram gave me some space to rewind, which I was incredibly thankful for.

The car couldn't get closer to the shop Akram had looked up, so we had to get out of the car and hike through the crowded sidewalk.

Spreading a protective arm behind me, Akram matched my pace as we trudged the busy street at Midtown. It seemed like an instinctive gesture of him, acting like my personal bodyguard. I wondered if he did the same for everyone and it tasted like a bitter pill in my mouth. How silly of me!

A spaced-out frown line lingered on Akram's countenance whenever he looked ahead. It changed into a smile when he'd turn his face to look at me. The dark circles around his eyes were more visible in the daylight, worrying me even more.

"Are you alright?" I asked

"What?" Akram's eyebrows shot up as we stopped by the shop window. "Does it show?"

"W-what shows?"

He lowered his head, twisting his lips. "The caffeine deprivation. It's kicking in."

"Oh!" I said, brushing the side of my face. "We better hurry, then."

I looked away, pretending to examine the merchandise on display, while my mind was elsewhere. I merely glimpsed Akram's reflection and the swarming street behind us in the reflective glass.

Why does it seem so surreal to go shopping with Akram? How come it's​ like we're transported to a different city? Different streets? Different world? Even the passersby look different. More vivid. Like the lanky guy with the red hair crossing the street. Or the lady with the floral dress and dirty blonde hair who passed behind me.

With a start, eyes wide, I twisted my neck to stare at the woman. My heart thudded and my mouth went dry. The streak of dirty blonde hair made me look twice just to make sure.

I exhaled.

It's not her! Oh God, it's not her!

It was another reality check. One glimpse and I was hauled back into the real world. It was like fate didn't want me to forget I was threatened in this place. The serpent was still on the loose. Sure, I was safe for now, but who knows what could happen next? She didn't plan all of this for nothing.


I turned back to find Akram following my gaze. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah! I-I just thought I... I saw someone..." I stammered.

Akram's face paled. A worried look filled his eyes.

"Uh! Do you like anything so far?" I blurted out, pointing to the high-end espresso machines in the display window.

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