Chapter 40 (Fears)

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The room was pitch black when I opened my eyes. Barely auricular music came from an unknown source. A spot of light sparked to life from a hidden corner, casting thick shadows on the wall. The music was soothing. Lulling me back to sleep. I rolled on my side, pulling the covers up to my shoulders and snuggled into the soft pillows.

The faint music continued to play in the background.

A reminder of my new reality was the softness of the mattress. So comfortable that I couldn't help contrasting it to my rusty bed at the shelter.

I'm living with Akram now... Sleeping in his room... And he insists on calling it mine... How unreal!

All of a sudden, my head cleared up a little and I could place the background music I'd been hearing, along with the buzzing sound near the bedside.

My hand stretched toward the nightstand as I pulled my body back from under the covers, reaching for the cellphone. Akram's name flickered on the screen.

With a grateful smile, I sat up quickly and hit the receive button.

Akram's calming voice rang from the other end. "Good morning, Mel. Someone's here to see you."

My heartbeat increased. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Melo!" Asha's chirpy tone was impossible to miss.

"Oh my God! Ash?!" I squealed, tears forming in my eyes. Hearing her voice brought immediate relief to me. I'd been worried sick about her all night, but then confusion dawned on me.

"Ash, why are you....?" I wanted to ask what was going on and why she was talking from Akram's phone when the tapping on the door interrupted my muddled thoughts.

The bedroom door screeched open, introducing the light from the outside hall and Asha's petite form breezed into the room.

"Did you miss me?" Asha trilled. She ran across the room and hugged me.

The cell phone dropped from my hand. Completely stumped, I hugged her back and pulled away from her friendly embrace, wiping my tears. "Y-you're still in New York? What happened?"

It didn't make sense to my sleepy mind. She was supposed to be thousands of miles away.

"Weird things happened!" Asha furrowed her thin eyebrows. "We were at the airport when Mom called and she didn't know what accident we were talking about."

"What?" I asked, eyes wide. "Does this mean... she's ok?"

"Thank goodness, she's fine. I guess the phone call from the hospital was about someone else. I just don't get it!" Asha shook her head and shoved her long hair over her shoulder.

My brain revved up, a million questions jumping in my head. Could this be coincidental? Or someone had been messing around with everyone?

It's her! I swear it's the damn cobra! Who else could it be? But... How could she plan all of this? And why? I don't understand why?

"Wait! How did you know where I was?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"I've been trying to call you." Asha pursed her lips. "I couldn't reach you, so I called Akram and he told me."

I grabbed the cellphone from my lap, checking my calls. It showed eleven missed calls from Ash... I'd been stone-deaf!

I raised my eyes to her and whispered, "did Akram tell you... everything?!"

Asha nodded, her doe eyes showing concern and a slight gloss of tears. She leaned in, wrapping her little arm around my shoulders. "You should've told me."

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