Chapter 23 (Getting Ready)

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I extended this chapter based on a special request to prolong the girl bonding moment. The new part starts after the === mark.
I hope you like it ;)


For the next couple of days, Vivian didn't show her pretty face in the café again - Thank God, not even in our dorm room- and it made me more at ease that my paranoid thoughts might be untrue.

Akram did show up as usual.

He'd come in, walk to the front counter and greet us. I would reluctantly come out of my obscure corner and say Hi, then I'd return to prepare his cappuccino. Nothing much to be said. Only he seemed to have this worried expression on his face when he'd ask me how I'd been. A soft wrinkle between his dark eyebrows that engraved an intense gaze in his eyes.

It could be test anxiety, I supposed. I knew how it felt to have important exams even though I'd never been to college. I'd wanted to but... The fear of failure could sometimes translate into an insane freak-out moment that would freeze up your mind and then you'd eventually fail just as you feared.

That was just me, of course.

Friday at work was like any other day, except for the growing anticipation for tonight. I thought I got over this feeling but obviously I was wrong. The thought of Akram and I sitting next to each other in a dark movie theater sent a strange wave of tension down my stomach.

Akram was late for lunch but I figured, well, I hoped that this was intentional in order for him to pick me up after my work hours.

"Hey, Melo. Ready to get ready?" Asha asked in a singing voice, her grin bulging with enthusiasm.

My eyes snapped up to look at the paralyzed wall clock. 5:03 , it said.

I let out a breath. "Yeah!"

Almost there!

"Ok. Go change in the ladies room, I'll be right behind you," Asha demanded.

"It's ok. I can manage," I replied.

"Hey! I know what I'm doing, just go... Wait!" She rummaged inside a tote bag on the floor with Superman logo printed on it. She brought out a bottle of shampoo and a small blow dryer and tossed them towards me, " wash your hair before you change."

My jaw dropped open.

"But there's no time for..."

"There's plenty of time, " she cut me off impatiently, "go get dressed pronto! "

I went along with Asha because, really, there was no choice. No one could tame her stubborn mind. Plus, it was just too sweet and touching how she'd been trying to help at every chance she'd got. She was such a true friend and I had no other means to repay her but to let her have her way.

After freshening up and washing my hair, I donned my new outfit and I attempted to blow-dry the short wet strands when I heard quick raps on the door.

"Open up! It's me," Asha said.

I unlocked the door and Asha rushed inside.

"Asha, you can't just leave the counter unattended!" I exclaimed.

"Relax! The new girl, Lucy, is here for the night shift. " she gave me a reassuring smile, " let me handle this. You gotta be spruced up this time. "

She placed a small make-up kit on the marble vanity and expertly took over the blow dryer that overheated the back of my neck.


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