chapter 22 (Reward)

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"Are you feeling well, darling?"

That was the first thing Mrs. Charan said once I knocked on her office door and was told to come in. I wasn't sure how to answer to be honest, because I definitely didn't feel well. I know I'd never looked well, but I must've looked like a ghost at this moment.

"Fine, Mrs. Charan," I mumbled.

"Are you sure, Melody? It's fine If you need to take a day off to rest. We managed to find a part time barista. Maybe you can switch sometimes," Mrs. Charan said, twining her finger over the desk, a faded smile on her lips.

My heartbeat accelerated.

"Oh! Is that why? I'm... being replaced?" I choked, my eyes distended painfully, "Mrs. Charan, I'm so sorry about the broken cup... I'm... I'm going to pay for it!"

No ! Please! It's hardly been a few weeks and I just started to like it here! Now everything is going wrong again? What kind of curse was cast on me when I was born?!

"Oh! No, darling. You're not being replaced. In truth, I wanted to reward you."

"Reward me? For what?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around my chest.

"For your hard work. " Mrs. Charan's smile widened, looking sympathetic, "I do that to motivate my employees. There's an (Employee Of The Month) bonus. Well, it's every other month to be exact."

"You mean... I'm not fired?" My voice was squeaky in the end.

"No! Why would I fire my best worker?" Mrs. Charan winked. She opened a drawer and held out a medium-sized envelope. " Here. You've earned it. It's not much. Just a symbol of gratitude."

Stepping forward in a daze to take the envelope, I stood in front of her staring like a dolt.

Wow! My boss just gave me a bonus! Who would've thought!

Something that would normally make me jump for joy. It was a first in my concise career path. The problem was, I was too shaken to give the right reaction with everything that had happened today.

Vivian and Akram's exchange a couple of hours ago was like the harshest reality check I had of late . I couldn't get over it. My mind kept making up images of what might've happened that I hated to dwell on. I wanted to doubt my own eyesight. I wanted to question my judgement. It seemed too obvious that she talked him into something and he paid for it. The only something I could associate with Vivian was too horrible to think Akram would be interested in. Especially, not after that bull session we had about his supposedly virtuous life. He seemed truly different and I didn't want to be disappointed in him.

Hey! It's none of my business. He's just a friend. Nothing more. It's his life. I'm not his mother!

God, but it was Vivian! He hooked up with Vivian! As if reality was mocking me!

"You need to go home and rest, child."
The kind voice echoed in my throbbing head, bringing me to the present. I blushed, realizing I had zoned out in front of my boss, and I haven't thanked her yet.

"Um! Thank you... so much, Mrs. Charan. You're so kind," I babbled, trying to curve my lips into a sheepish smile.

"No problem, darling. Don't forget to take dinner from the kitchen," she continued, knitting her eyebrows in concern.

"Uh! Okay." Was all I replied before I turned dizzily and walked out of the office.

To my surprise, Asha was waiting for me outside the door, a giant smile making her dimples look even deeper.

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