Chapter 33 pt.3 (The Last Straw)

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This chapter is dedicated to tanlines88 for the wonderful support and suggesting the lovely song for this chapter. She is MIA for a while now, but I hope she'll return soon..
Miss you, Cyan. :)


"I only said she was the last person who saw Tina alive, and then she..." Vivian said in between sobs. "She flipped out and attacked me."

Shoulders shaking, Vivian slumped on a seat in front of the night-shift counselor, who was a bit miffed from the look on her face. Counselor's gaze kept slipping to her iPad on the desk, rubbing the dark roots of her dyed hair. We probably interrupted her Candy Crush achievement tonight.

Lynda sat alone on a leather couch near the adjacent wall, fingers clasped over her knees while tapping her feet on the floor. Her worried glances travelled between my stooping posture, and the drama queen whimpering at the counselor's desk.

"Is this true, Ms. Summer?" The counselor glared at me, lips tight in annoyance.

Standing in the corner of the room, five feet away, facing the phony serpent, my breath was shallow as I tried to wrap my head around what had happened. My limbs were floppy, and holding myself up was an effort. For some reason, the idea reminded me of Mr. Tortilla Head from Toy Story 3. That was a funny one, I almost chuckled. My body could be flattened enough to slide from under the door.

There was a weird tingle in my scalp, and my brain didn't seem to function properly. I shifted my weight on my dead feet, trying to unstick my dry lips with my tongue. The adrenaline rush I'd experienced earlier was wearing off after the previous fit of hostility, leaving my body floating in a muddy numbness that seeped into my mind. I was aware of my surroundings, but things looked unreal, like a two dimensional world, foggy at the edges.

God, what have I done?!

"I..." I wheezed, clutching at my elbows like an anchor. " I didn't want to. She provoked me."

Vivian lifted up her teary face toward the counselor and defended. "I just wanted to help."

"Help?" I exclaimed, my voice choking. "She stole my money!"

The counselor straightened on her leather seat, forehead puckered. She steepled her hands on the desk and corrected. "You mean, you lost your money. Don't throw accusations."

"How would I know she was stashing money in the room? It's against the rules. We're supposed to bank our savings." Vivian waved her hand, pulling off a pained look. "Why do you want to hang it on me, Melody? What did I ever do to you?"

Brilliant acting! I'm disgustingly impressed!

Vivian's teary face was heartbreaking. It would deceive anyone who didn't have the pleasure of knowing her. I could swear her face changed for a second. All I could see at this moment was ophidian fangs and a split tongue sticking out to my face. The image was so vivid it sent a chill down my spine.

"What time did this happen?" the counselor asked me.

"I-I'm not sure... but it was gone this morning." I gulped, my mouth a barren Sahara. I hadn't checked for over a week.

"I see. So, why are you accusing Ms. Zimmer specifically? Why not anyone else? " The counselor propped her elbows on the desk, resting her chin on her interlocked fingers, staring at me with dull eyes.

"She's been bullying me for months," I admitted, my voice wavering uncontrollably. "I can't think of anyone else."

"Me?!" Vivian gasped and brought her hand to her mouth, eyes as wide as she could manage. "You attacked me twice in forty-eight hours!"

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