Chapter 19 pt2 (Friendly Dinner)

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After a long moment of looking like an idiot, I finally spoke.

"I think... I'm a little lost here." I curved my lips hesitantly. "Is this still about girls?"

"Okay. I think I was saving the awkward part for last while making everyone look bad except for myself." He chuckled awkwardly and cleared his throat. "Well, In my religion, a devout person does not have... uh!.. promiscuous relationships. No clubbing, or socializing the American way. I tried to date by my own standards but I failed. Because at some point I'm being asked for something that I can't give. I tried to explain my limits but... They were offended when it was absolutely not my intention and eventually they ran away." The side of his mouth twisted into a half smile.


"Oh!" I muttered, stupefied.

He didn't seem upset about it nonetheless. He said it like a matter of fact. Like he was at peace with the idea that he'd never been... involved with a girl?

This is interesting and, well, comforting, I guess!

As surprised as I was, it felt good to know we had something in common. Even if it was lack of social life.

He gazed at me, his head tipped slightly, gauging my reaction. I guessed he'd probably experienced massive criticism for his lifestyle and he expected the same from me.

"This must be tough ." Was all I could say.

" No. Not really."

" What do you call it then?"

" Just... the ethics I grew up with? I suppose It's easier to follow certain rules when you are taught them at a young age."

"You never...?" I broke off, my face heated.


I looked down silently for a second to hide my blushing face.

" You never dated?"

"Not exactly. I wasn't actually following the conventional dating process. I just stopped when I figured I was trying too hard. I already had the moral foundation that I'll find the one for me when God decides it's the right time. That's why I'm not worried about it any more. " he shrugged.

A hundred questions were swirling in my head and I surprisingly found the courage to ask. I was abashed but also intrigued by the conversation.

Hey! He started this! So he doesn't mind talking about himself.

It was strange how easy it was to talk to him about unusual topics, forgetting all my reservations. So unlike me. I've always been socially illiterate or rather reclusive but he just... filled this gap easily.

All my life, I'd thought most men were predators in disguise. I've seen bad people. I could sense them. Akram seemed so far from that. He was fun and exciting. Chatting with him was like reading a mystery book and watching the mystery unfold while not wanting the story to end. He was like a Harlan Coben novel. It felt amazing to unravel his mystery. Although I wasn't even close to that.

The only choice I had was to continue grilling him. I couldn't ditch this chance. It might not occur again.

" Is there sort of... like... a religious vow of celibacy or something? " I asked hesitantly, playing with my fingers. Too nosy and forward, I know, but I still hoped I wasn't making him uncomfortable.

He chuckled, scratching his distinctive brow with his long index finger. " It's nothing like that. It's only temporary. I would say it's like a modern version of courtship. My only motive was marriage."

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