Chapter 38 (Coming Clean)

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“Ahh! I'm in heaven…”

Akram sighed deeply after he'd had a few sips of his homemade cappuccino. He lolled back on his chair in the kitchen/dining area, eyes closed, tipping his head back with a satisfied smile on his face.

My lips curved into a big grin. His actions were somewhat exaggerated , but I couldn't help enjoying every bit. The fact that I'd done something that made him so content lightened my soul for a moment.

“I'm pretty sure we're still in Manhattan,” I teased, crossing my arms over the kitchen table.

Akram slowly opened his eyes, squinting at me and his smile widened.

“Wrong.” He wiggled his index finger. “I’m pretty sure it's heaven. We have enough snacks to last for a month, my headache is finally gone, and an angel just made me the best coffee I've ever had.”

It took me a minute to process what he just said and my heartbeat raised the roof. My cheeks burned fiercely while I fiddled with my fingers.

“It’s, uh… the new gadget,” I laughed away his compliment. “It's super easy, I practically didn't do anything.”

“You’re too modest.” Akram lifted the coffee mug between his palms and took in a long sip. “I could've mangled the poor machine on the first try. I don't know how to thank you.”

“Don't.” I shook my head, tucking my hair back. “I'm happy to help.”

Akram grinned. “I'm happier.”

Great! Now you must leave before you make him unhappy again!

The wretched realistic voice in my head nagged at me. And I knew fairly well that I should listen.

I rose up slowly, holding onto the edge of the kitchen table. “I guess it's time to go.”

Akram sprang up, his expression alarmed. “Now?”

“Yeah. I've taken so much of your time today.”

“Wait.” Akram held up his hands, placing his palms together in a visible plea.

My muscles tensed up, staring at him inquisitively.

“Actually, uh.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “There's someone I want you to meet.”


I thought he was living alone. Who could it be? And why does he want me to meet him? Or her? Oh God! This is going to be embarrassing!  

“Come, please?” Akram motioned to the front hall.

I gulped. “W-who is it?”

“Just a friend.” He beamed. “I'm sure you'll like him.”

Him? Oh my goodness!

A little shaky, I followed Akram all through the front hallway, trying to guess who the 'friend’ could be and trying not to think any more morbid thoughts. He guided me until we entered the door at the end of the corridor.

Perplexed, I noted a massive wooden figure placed awkwardly in the middle of the room.

My eyebrows rose at the beauty of the expensive centerpiece; an ebony baby grand piano. It wasn't huge, but it nearly occupied one third of the living room. I stepped closer and touched the top of the piano, which had a sleek, glossy finish.

I tilted my head to peek in Akram's direction. He had the most exquisite smile as he pointed out. “This is my baby. His name is Wolfie.”

“He's stunning. I've never seen one before.” I circled slowly around the curve of the piano to the keyboard side. “And I thought you're living alone.”

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