Chapter 11

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Drake: Hello?

Britt: Hey I'm so sorry about last night. I got drunk and didn't mean to send you any of those texts.

Drake: It's ok

Britt: Ok you sure?

Drake: Yea I'm positive

Britt: Ok talk to you later.

Drake: Ok talk to you later.

Britt: Talk to you later

I hung up the phone with Drake and went to get something to eat. We really didn't have much so I went outside, got on my bike and went to McDonald's. When I got there I saw my friend Emma, She was at a table eating alone. I got my food and sat with her.

Britt: Hey Emma, How are you

Emma: I'm good how are you?

Britt: I'm fine.

Emma: We should go to the mall after this.

Britt: Ok sounds like a plan.

We got done eating and then we headed to the mall. I had a few bucks on me so I figured I would get a few things while I was here. My phone started ringing.

Britt: Hello?

Xx: Hi is this Brittney?

Britt: Yes ma'am whose this?

Xx: My name is Jane, I'm the manager of Hot Topic, you came in a few days ago and applied correct?

Britt: Yes ma'am.

Jane: Well I just called to tell you we would love to have you working with us, can you meet us here in about an hour?

Britt: I'm actually at the mall now. Yes I can come in an hour.

Jane: Ok have a good day?

Britt: You too.

I hung up and told Emma we had an hour to kill. We decided to go to Bath and Body works to get some perfume. We got some Ice cream a little while later and time flew by. I said bye to Emma and headed to Hot Topic.

Jane: Hello Brittney, I would like to introduce you to the staff you'll be working with. This is Elana, John, Drew, Gabe, and Travis.

They all welcomed me by giving me a hug, I hugged back even though I wasn't 100% comfortable with it. I'm a hugger only if I've known the person for a while. I can't really stand it when people I just met hug me, but I didn't want to seem rude. Travis was the one who trained me, even though my job was stocking the shelves, all I really needed to know was where the supplies were and where to put them. After a while I got it down and it was ok for my first day. I looked into it and I get an employee discount. I'm going to end up buying quite a few things for my friends. I had to have Tayea pick me up because it was extremely dark and our neighborhood didn't have any street lights, so I wouldn't have been able to see where I was going on my bike. On the way home we stopped somewhere to get something to eat and apparently I was hungrier than I thought. We went to Taco Bell and I ended up getting two huge burritos. They were good though so it was worth it.

I passed out when we got home and had a weird dream. It was where Drake asked me out. The only thing is he started making out with me and we ended up having sex. When we were done I layed my head down on his chest. He whispered he loved me in my ear. I woke up in a sweat, Tayea was already gone, I looked an saw her book bag gone too and looked at the time. SHIT!!!! It was already 8:00, I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag and rode my bike to school.

I got there as the bell for the end of first period rang. I went up to the front office and got a tardy pass then went to my second period. I saw Drake in there. Weird he doesn't usually have this class. I go to my seat and sit down, he sits in the desk next to me.

Britt: Did u switch into this class?

Drake: Yea, I got in deep trouble with my last teacher.

Britt: What did you do?

Drake: I told her she was a bitch and told her off after she gave me an F on a geometry quiz that i studied 2 weeks for.

Britt: Damn that's a lot and you got switched out of the class for that?

Drake: Yep. I'm happy you're in my class now though because there was something really important I needed to tell you.

Britt: What is it?

Drake: I like you a lot. Will you go out with me?

Britt: I like you too. Sure I'll be glad to go out with you.

Drake: Yay!

He was so happy, he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I hope this relationship goes better than any of my other one's though. Clearly I haven't had much luck with relationships lately.

Hey guys sorry about not updating in a while, I've been a little busy lately and just never had the chance to fully work on my story. I hope y'all like it so far. Don't forget to vote and comment.

P.S. comment what you guys think i should make happen next.

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