Chapter 18

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The monster was slowly but surely waking me up. Geez I hate first period. Lala and Tayea weren't in it with me either which sucked big time. My other friends kept trying to get sips of my monster and I kept pulling it away like noooooo. I managed to keep them off of it and after what seemed like the longest hour of my life the bell finally rang. My first monster lasted until about 5th period. The second one I almost drank all of it in 6th and I ate all of the big bag of sour patch kids.

This weekend is the trip to Universal and I couldn't wait to see Drake's face. I hope he likes the trip, if he doesn't I'm going to feel extremely bad, I think he'll enjoy the little get away though. After school I stopped by Drake's and picked up something for Tayea. I headed over to her house and when I got there I heard scream, so I run in and see its just another scary movie playing.

Britt: Dammit Tayea not you too.

Tayea: Oh sorry Britt.

She turned off the movie and we got to work, I gave her the gift I brought her and she absolutely loved it. Its anew designer purse with a dark royal reddish color lace on the top layer of the fabric. I got a dark purple one for myself so we could match. She absolutely loved it after a little break we got back to work on how to set up the surprise for Drake.

Tayea: You could have him wear a blindfold the whole way there.

Britt: That's actually a really smart idea. I might just do that actually. Thanks Tayea.

Tayea: You're welcome. Now that we got that out of the way what do you want to do?

Britt: I don't know.

I haven't really thought about that. I was coming over to figure out how to surprise Drake and I hadn't really planned for anything after that.

Britt: Let's just watch a movie, I made some reservations at a restaurant for u, me, Drake, and Lala at 8 so we got an hour to kill.

Tayea: Ok. Thank you by the way

Britt: You're welcome.

After the hour we went to the restaurant and got our table. Drake and I sat together while Lala and Tayea sat together. We just had fun talking and just spending time together. Some waiters came after we ate and brought Tayea a piece of cake with Ice cream on top and sung happy birthday to her. After dinner we said our byes and went home. Tomorrow after school is the big trip so we have to get some sleep. Drake fell asleep as soon as we got home and I stayed up packing us some clothes. I hid the suitcases in the trunk of my car. Everything was ready then I went to bed.

The next morning I purposely got up before Drake and left a note saying I had to go to school early so that way Drake couldn't ride with me and open my trunk and see all his stuff inside. I got to school and called up Tayea and told her to meet me at the school. She was there in about 5 minutes. Well damn.

She met me by my car and I told her I left Drake's early so he couldn't see the stuff in my trunk. He'll probably be trying to figure out where a lot of his clothes went though. Drake got to school about 25 minutes later. He got in class last second.

Britt: What took you so long to get here?

Drake: Fuckin traffic. People would not move today.

Britt: I'm sorry baby.

Drake: It's ok. It's not your fault. Why did you have to come early?

Britt: I had to turn in that project otherwise it would've been late. It was due yesterday but we couldn't finish in time.

Drake: Oh ok.

Hey guys I know its a really short chapter but what's next I want to be a chapter of its own. Thank y'all for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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