Chapter 24

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It's finally out wedding day and everything is so decorated. I went out with my friends yesterday, Drake went out with his friends too. Tayea and Lala were helping me get ready. They were almost in tears.

Tayea: How do you feel? I mean your 16 getting married.

Britt: I feel amazing. I love Drake with all my heart. I can't believe I'm getting married but I'm so happy I am.

Tayea: Well I'm happy you're happy.

Britt: Thanks sis. Thanks for being there for me too.

She hugs me and we just sit there hugging for a minute. My dress was getting the finishing touches on it. I was all ready and then I was about in tears when I heard the music starting. I took a deep breath as I looked back at Tayea. She mouthed good luck to me. I started walking down the isle and saw Drake in his suit in tears as he saw me, smiling. I got up to Drake and gave my bouquet to Tayea.

Drake: You're beautiful.

Britt: Thank you.

The ceremony went on and we made our vows.

Preacher: By the power vested in me by the state of Florida. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

I heard everyone cheer as Drake and I kissed. I was actually married and I couldn't believe it. The ceremony was over and Drake and I had decided to have our honeymoon in North Carolina and to think that I was a girl that was from a broken home and ran away and was disowned to now a married almost senior in High School. I did good for myself, I made my life better for myself when I met Drake. If it wasn't for him and my best friends Tayea and Lala I probably would still be on the streets. I'm so thankful to have them in my life. All of them.

Drake and I went home that night and watched a few movies, he kissed me and I kissed back. We climbed into bed and he got on top of me. I just giggled and pulled him closer. I was unbelievably happy. We were both exhausted from the wedding so we didn't do anything and we just went ahead and went to sleep. I scooted closer to him as he wrapped my arm around me and we both fell asleep soundly.

A few days pass and we get ready to go to NC for our honeymoon. I'm so excited and drake told me he had a surprise for me when we get there. I just can't wait. A few hours later we get to the hotel and pretty much pass out. We both didn't sleep on the way there and we didn't leave home till late at night so we took turns driving. Neither one of us can sleep in the car though. We had to keep each other awake while one of us were driving. Lots of traffic on the way here.

Drake: Britt. Baby get up.

Britt*shifts*: Yea baby?

Drake: It's time to get up for part of your surprise.

Britt: Aw ok.

I got up and he picked me up and brought me to the bathroom, then left and grabbed me my clothes.

Drake: Wear this.

Britt: Ok.

I looked at the outfit he handed me. It was a black blouse with skinny jeans and my boots. What on earth is he planning?

Drake: You almost done baby?

Britt: Yea. Give me just one more minute baby.

Drake: Ok.

I finished getting ready and met him outside the bathroom. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Drake: You're beautiful.

Britt: Thanks babe. I love you.

Drake: I love you too.

We went downstairs and got in the car. I had no idea where he was taking me but I didn't care. I love him and as long as we're together it doesn't matter where we are. About 5 or 10 minutes later we get to a really fancy restaurant and I feel really underdressed for this.

Britt: Uh babe, we're a little underdressed don't you think?

Drake: No just wait until you get inside.

We go inside and it turns out to be a country dance place.

Britt: Drake, what are we doing here?

Drake: What don't you like country music?

Britt: I do.

Drake: Good then lets go.

Britt: Ok.

The song Dirt Road Anthem by Jason aldean comes on and I just lose it. I grab Drake's hand and drag him to the dance floor with me. We dance and dance the night away. This was the sweetest date drake has ever took me on. I love him so much. We have school tomorrow so we couldn't stay long. Me and him had a lot of fun that night though. On our way home the song Play It Again by Luke Bryan came on. What is he on some country kick right now? I'm not complaining but that's not a coincidence that he takes me to some country joint then more country songs come on his phone. We got home and went straight to bed. We were both exhausted.

Britt: Goodnight drake. I love you.

Drake: Goodnight Britt I love you too.

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in so long but I've been busy with work and school. Anyway that's the end of that story. I should have a sequel, I haven't decided on that yet. Love y'all thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Ps. Ok so I haven't had wattpad in a long time I completely forgot I had this in my drafts. I'm super sorry but I'm back and workin on new stories.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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