Chapter 12

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The next day at school he was with a group of friends and once I got there he grabbed my hand and we walked off together. At lunchhe sat with me and my friends then layed his head on my shoulder. I was so happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time. I just wonder how long this relationship is going to last. I've never had that much luck with relationships and they all end up horribly. I hope Drake and I last for a while.

Drake: Hey, you ok?

Britt: Yea, sorry just got lost in thought for a minute.

Drake: Ok.

I hadn't realized that as I was lost in my thoughts we were walking the whole time. We were by a portable. Drake got closer to me and kissed me. He started making out with me and getting all touchy feely on me, and he tried to do more but I wouldn't let him. It was the first time we kissed as a couple so I wasn't going to let him go any further than that. When he kissed me it was so weird but it was amazing at the same time. he was still being touchy feely on me but once he tried to put his hands down my pants that's when I stopped him.

Britt: No no no.

Drake: Ok.

Then he tried to get me to put my hand down his pants. I stopped him again.

Britt: No stop.

Drake: Ugh fine.

He started making out with me again, I let him be touchy feely on me as long as he didn't try anything again. I was happy with him but next we know the bell rings. Ugh how dare it ring and ruin this moment. We started walking to our first period, we held hands on the way to my first period and he kissed me before he headed to his. I walked into my first period and Tayea looked at me in confusion for a second.

Tayea: Is that a hicky on your neck?

Britt: What? Where? Are you serious?!?

I went to the bathroom and checked my neck. SHIT!!! I don't exactly know why I was so worried about it I just was. I grabbed my purse put some skin color eye shadow on it to cover it up. I didn't have any powder or foundation to cover it up, I'm not a full on girly girl. I'll admit I have my moments of being a girly girl, but i'm not a full on girly girl. It irritates the hell out of me when someone calls me a girly girl I'm not sure why it does but people don't laugh after they call me it. I went back to the classroom.

Britt: Does it look like there's anything there?

Tayea: No it's covered.

Britt: Ok good. I don't have any like powder or foundation so I had to use eye shadow to cover it.

Tayea: Well you did a good job covering it.

I was really tired for the rest of the day which sucked. After school I went with Drake to his house. We sat on the couch and watched movies for a little while then he led me to his bedroom. He started unbuttoning the flannel I was wearing and I broke the kiss long enough for me to get my undershirt off. He unbuttoned my pants and I unbuttoned his. We started walking towards the bed not breaking the kiss and I landed on my back onto the bed. He put a condom on and slid into me and started thrusting into me. It hurt like hell at first but then it felt really good. I don't really even remember breathing at all, I let out a huge breath at one moment and then I don't remember taking breathes after that.

We fell asleep afterwards and I woke up a few hours later with my head on his chest. I smiled and went back to sleep. He woke me up a little later and we decided to get some food. We were both hungrier than we thought we were. We went to chili's for dinner and I got a huge steak and so did he.

Drake: What should we do tomorrow?

Britt: We should skip school and go see a movie.

Drake: Ok sounds like a plan. I can make some fake notes for us tonight.

~a little while later ~

We got back to Drake's house, we had stopped by Tayea's so I could grab some clothes and my bag. I put in a movie and grabbed some ice cream for me and Drake while we watch the movie. I was so happy with him. It honestly feels weird dating a guy after I dated a girl for so long. I'm not sure why it feels weird it just does. I love him that's the only way I can described the way I feel.

Hey guys hope y'all are liking the story so far. Thank you all for reading the story, almost 200 reads. don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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