Chapter 20

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The cop is finally catches her and his able to get my bag and everything back. He hands me my bag.

Cop: Here you go ma'am.

Britt: Thank you officer.

Cop: Have a good day.

I take out my phone real quick and text Drake.

Britt: Hey baby. I got mugged but got everything back. A cop helped me. Im safe and on my way home.

Drake: Ok baby. I'm glad you're safe. Be careful. Im at the house already. See you soon.

Britt: Ok I love you.

Drake: I love you too.

I put my phone away and finished my walk home. Once I finally got home I walk in the door and Drake picked me up and swung m around.

Drake: BABE ARE YOU OK????

Britt: Yes baby I'm fine.

Drake: I will kick someone's ass if I have to.

Britt: Babe, really I'm ok.

Drake: You're no longer allowed to walk home.

Britt: Alright babe. I love you. I'm gonna go lay down though because I'm exhausted and just don't feel well.

Drake: I love you too. I'll be in there in a little bit.

Britt: Ok.

I go in the bedroom and plop down onto the bed. I pass out right away. I had nightmare though.

I was running after the girl who mugged me and we turn a corner and she disappeared. I turn it and get jumped and pounded. A guy rapes me and another guy shoots me afterwards. Drake wakes me up.

Drake: Babe, are you ok? You were shaking like a leaf.

I look around and then tears came to my eyes and Drake hugs me.

Britt: It was just a dream. Nothing happened. It was just a dream nothing happened.

I started shaking again and Drake went into the kitchen and got me a cool rag to put on my forehead because I was burning up too.

Drake: Baby what happened in your dream?

Britt: I can't explain. I'm sorry but I just can't.

Drake: Ok. You don't have to baby.

He kisses me on my forehead and we turn on a movie to watch to get my mind off things. It works for a while, enough for me to fall back asleep, but then I shot up into a sitting position. I look next to me and see Drake is fast asleep. I get out of bed and look at the time. Its only 1 in the morning. I got some coffee. I was to afraid to go back to sleep. A few hours later I hear Drake get out of bed.

Drake: Hey baby. How long have you been awake?

Britt: Since 1 in the morning.

Drake: WHAT?!? Why??

Britt: I was to afraid to go back to sleep.

He comes over and sits on the couch with me. He holds me in his arms. I'm terrified I'm going to have that dream again. I don't know What's going on but I definitely need it to stop.

Britt: Maybe I should go talk to someone about this dream.

Drake: I have a friend thats a councillor. I can make you an appointment with her.

Britt: Thanks baby.

I lay my head on his shoulder and start dozing off. I wake up like 5 minutes later. It felt ok just getting a few minutes of sleep. That night I still couldn't sleep and Drake was staying up with me.

Britt: Babe, you need some sleep. You don't have to stay up with me.

Drake: Yes I do. I have to see you're ok.

Britt: Baby, go to bed.

Drake: No. You can't make me either.

Britt: Ugh fine. I'm not gonna force you.

He sat next to me on the couch that whole night. I had the councillor appointment the next morning. We drove to the office where Drake's friend was and went inside. We had to wait about 5 or 10 minutes before I could go in, by the time I could Drake was passed out in the waiting room.

Councillor: Hello Britt, my name is Tyler. I heard you've been having a nughtmare that makes you afraid to go to sleep?

Britt: Yes.

Tyler: Can you tell me about it?

Britt: I was going after a girl that mugged me the other day and when we turned a corner she disappeared and I get jumped, raped, and just the ever living shit beat out of me.

Tyler: Can tou describe the guys that are beating you?

Britt: Well the guys that beat me remind me of some bullies from my old school and the guy that raped me looked like my dad.

Tyler: I see. Did your dad do anything to you when you were little that might have triggered him being the one to rape you?

Britt: My dad didn't do anything to me but he did used to beat my mom.

Tyler: Well we're almost out of time. Do you feel better at all since we had this talk?

Britt: Yes actually. I got away from my parents. And now that I've talked to someone I think I'll be ok.

Tyler: Ok well have a good day and if you need to talk again. Just give me a call.

Britt: Ok. Thanks again. You have a good day too.

I walked out to the waiting room and woke Drake up. We got in the car and headed home.

Drake: Do you feel better baby?

Britt: Yes. I feel much much better.

Drake: That's good. You'll be able to sleep tonight?

Britt: Yea I think so.

Drake: I lovc you.

Britt: I love you too.

We got home and layed on the couch. I was pretty much laying on top of him. I passed out maybe a minute after we got in that position. I felt so much better. I felt so safe too, knowing that Drake would always be there for me.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading my story. Hope y'all like it so far. Also someone recognized me at school today and told me he loved my stories. So Thank you so much. It completely made my year knowing that someone recognized me and is loving my stories. Don't forget to vote and comment.
<3 Lillymaxwell2000

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