2. Admissions

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This chapter is a lot bigger than the previous chapter. The first one was just kind of a taster of where this fic is going. Enjoy :)

Caspars POV

What was that about? Joe's being dead off with me at the moment. Have I done something wrong? All I said was that I was going out with Gaby, I'm not sure what I could've said wrong.

Anyway, me and Gaby are off to a restaurant now. She said she wanted to 'treat me'. I have to admit, I feel as though she's pulling me away from Joe. I've hardly had any time with him recently. Maybe thats why he's off with me? But he'd tell me, wouldn't he?

I got pulled from my thoughts by Gaby's voice.

"Casp what's up?" She asked in her sweet, yet annoying voice.

"Nothing Gab, just thinking about Joe" I answer honestly. I see her face freeze and her neatly plucked brows furrow.

"Why?" She asked sternly.

"He was off with me this morning, I don't know why though"

"He's probably just in a bad mood" she says quickly, addressing the subject was closed, before dragging me to a table, "Come on, forget about Joe"

I didn't say anything, but I couldn't help but think about Joe.

After my 'date' with Gaby, I went straight home, without Gaby. I wanted to find out what I'd done to Joe, and I'm pretty sure Gaby won't help. I don't think she likes Joe in all honesty. I ran to our flat as soon as it got into my vision. I unlocked the door to see Joe lying on the sofa.

"Joe" I say, letting him know that I'm home.

"Where's Gaby?" He asked, not even bothering to turn around to look at me.

"I sent her home" I said, walking towards him, "I wanted to talk to you. Alone"

"What about?" Joe said, actually turning around to face me.

"About why you've been off with me these last couple of days" I replied sitting on the chair arm.

"No idea what you're on about" Joe shrugged off, turning back around.

"Come off it Joe, you know exactly what I'm on about" I say, raising my voice slightly, getting impatient.

"It doesn't matter!" Joe shouts, standing up and walking to the stairs.

"It does to me! I want to know what I've done wrong!" I shout back, following him.

"Leave it Caspar!" He yells into my face.

"Are you just in a bad mood? That's what Gaby said" i said back, trying to calm down.

"There we go again! Gaby this! Gaby that! Might aswell put a sign up with bloody 'Gaby' written on it! You know what? Why doesnt Gaby live here instead of me? I've been invisible to you!" Joe shouted, well practically screamed at me. I'm so confused.

"Gaby's my girlfriend Joe" I say confusingly.

"And I'm your best mate! Your roommate!" He says, waving his arms around wildly.

"I know that!" I shout back, " I don't get your problem!"

"Have you ever thought that maybe I want to spend some time with you? Because I do! But no, Gaby, who you've only known two seconds, gets all your priorities!" He says, emotion dripping from his words.

"I know... I know" I say slowly.

"You know. Well do something about it then!" He yells again.

"I can't just say 'leave me alone Gaby I want to spend time with my roommate'" I say sarcastically.

"Why not?" He asks harshly.

"It'll hurt her!" I shout.

"But you don't care if I get hurt? Thanks a lot" he says, giving me a sarcastic smile and a thumbs up. He started walking down the stairs. I knew he was right. I hadn't even been near Joe recently.

"Why are you this hurt anyway! All you had to do was tell me!" I shout, still following him.

"You don't understand!" He shouts back.

"Then tell me!" I say, grabbing his shoulders and turning him around once we got off the stairs. He grabbed me back and forcefully shoved me against the wall.

"Because I've gone and fallen for you haven't I? I've gone and bloody fallen for my best mate! And your there running around with your girlfriend! I can't stand it!" He shouts down my ear, tears falling freely from his eyes, his voice breaking at his last few words.

I'm shocked. He's fallen for me? He can't have?

He lets go of me harshly and bursts out into tears. I can only stand there gobsmacked.

"I mean, your not even gay! Hell I'm not gay! So why is this happening?" He asks emotionally, sitting down on the floor and tucking himself into a ball

"I'm.... I'm sorry..." I manage to get out of my mouth, my eyes flitting around the room. He looks up at me.

"Your sorry?" He says, standing up, "your sorry!" He repeats louder, marching over to me.

"I don't know what to say!" I shout, a tear starts to roll down my left cheek.

"And I do?" He shouts, "I've fallen in love with you Caspar and I can't do anything about it!"

Haste In The Moment - Jaspar AUWhere stories live. Discover now