4. Concern

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Caspar P.O.V

Now what do I do? My best mate has just admitted that he loves me, and left, without saying where he's going. I should've chased him. I should've followed him. I know what Joe is like when he's like this. What am I thinking? 

I get pulled from my thoughts by my phone going off. Someone was calling me. I really didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, unless it was Joe.

It was Oli. I picked up because I thought Joe might've gone to his.

"Oli have you seen-" I start impatiently, but I get cut off by Oli.

"I don't know what's happened. But i do know you need to sort the bloody hell out" he says sternly. Joe has spoke to him then.

"Oli where's Joe? Is he with you?" I say hastily.

"No he's not" Oli says.

"Then where is he!? Oli-" he cuts me off again.

"I don't know Caspar! Just let the dust settle for tonight! He needs space" Oli says.

"If he isn't home by tomorrow morning, you're going to tell me where he is because I know you're lying!" I say, before hanging up the phone on him. I get ready to close down my phone but something stops me. I see Joe's contact. I take a sharp intake of breath. I scroll past him and come across Gaby. I think it's finally time to tell her the truth.

I call her.

She picks up almost immediately.

"Hey Casp! Missing me already?" She asks. Great.

"Gaby... " I start. I don't know how to tell her. I don't love her.

"Caspar? What's wrong?" She questions me.

"Gaby I'm so sorry" I say. It takes her a few seconds to catch on to what I'm saying.

"Are you kidding? You're breaking up with me?" She asks, shouting lightly down the phone.

"I didn't want it to get like this Gab-" she, too, cut me off. Why is everyone doing that now?

"Has Joe told you to do this?" She asks harshly.

"No why would he?" I answer back.

"Don't lie to me" she shouts.

"I'm not! I just don't love you Gaby!"I say, before hanging up the phone. I hastily throw my phone on the sofa and sigh loudly. I go downstairs and walk into Joe's room. I collapse onto his bed and start sobbing wildly.

If only Joe knew how I felt.

I slowly cry myself to sleep.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a bit small, I'm just writing it to pass time, but I'm really enjoying writing this fic! Find me on instagram as jasparfan_

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