7. Helping you

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Joe P.O.V

The journey to Brighton took about just over an hour, leaving me to contemplate what to say to her when i arrive. Plus, there's also going to be Alfie there, and he and Caspar were really close, considering that they were roommates at one point. God what on earth have I done. To be honest Caspar didn't even seem really sad that i was leaving, i bet he was glad to see the back of me.

When the uber driver pulled up at Brighton, i gave him his money and made the trek to the Zalfie household. I pretty much knew Brighton like the back of my hand. It's basically my second home.

I walk down about a hundred streets until i recognize the large house at the end of a large road. I basically run to Zoe's house and bash the door down. Not literally. I just hit the door a few times with my fist.

When the door opens, Alfie emerges.

"Hey man, how's it going?" he smiles, engulfing me in a huge hug, nearly taking all the wind out of me.

"Not good to be honest" I sigh into the crease in his neck.

"Yeah, Zo said you sounded a bit down on the phone. Come in, she's upstairs" Alfie says, unblocking the door, giving me space to walk into my sisters house.

Not much has changed since i last visited. Maybe a few more cushions on the large sofa in the front room, a few more pictures of Nala and of her and Alfie.

"Joe!" I hear a cry coming from the staircase. I see Zoe bounding down the stairs, nearly falling down about three times. She leaps into my arms and i can't help but smile. Living in London is great, but i rarely get to see my sister anymore which bugs me. I love Zoe to pieces. We have the best brother-sister bond ever.

She pulls back from my grip and gives me a wary look.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" she says in a demanding tone. I can't help but chuckle.

"Jeez Zo, give us a minute" I say smiling.

"Well you know. You never just ask to stay here unless somethings happened. Its serious most the time" she says, looking at me uncertainly.

"I'll tell you don't worry" I laugh, "I could do with telling someone anyway" I mumble so she couldn't hear me.

"Right well," she says, pulling away completely, "I'll make you a cup of tea yeah?"

I nod in reply, swallowing the lump that had seemed to gather in my throat.

"Go put your stuff up in the spare room man, I'll cook us all something" Alfie says, giving me a small smile, dragging Zoe off with him.

Walking up the stairs brings back so many memories. When Caspar and I visited Zoe and Alfie together, every morning we would race each other down the stair and into the kitchen. I would always lose obviously, Caspar has gigantic legs and then there's just me.

Just noticing all the pictures on the walls of me and Zoe, and of Alfie, makes me think how much i actually miss her. Of course I enjoy living in London, it's like nearly everyone's goal to live there, but Zoe is my only sibling and we have such a close bond. It's really hard not seeing her all the time like i used to. When Zoe first moved to Brighton with Alfie, i was so wary of her moving, because obviously i still lived with my dad in Wiltshire, and i never really made friends easily. Basically Zoe was my only friend/sibling, so living without her for years was really hard to get past. Obviously i moved in with Caspar later on, and i managed to move on. It was really good to get to know him, and obviously other people like Oli and that. But then i started growing feelings for him, and that was not fun at all. I'm not gay. I never have been, but these feelings have been stuck in the back of my head for months.

Haste In The Moment - Jaspar AUWhere stories live. Discover now