14. Oli's

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Caspar's POV

We knocked on the door and waited.

We heard footsteps behind the door, before it finally opened.

"Lads!" Oli yelled, practically dragging us through the door, not waiting for either of us to say anything.

He threw us down on the sofa in is front room, and sat on the table infront, facing us.

"So." he started, inviting us to speak.

"So what?" Joe asked, eyebrow raised quite highly.

"So..." Oli emphasized, "What's gone on?"

"You know what's gone on." Joe stated flatly.

Oli hit him.

"You know what I mean! C'mon tell me what's happened!" Oli pleaded.

What was there to tell him?

"Well," I started, "We're together. I'm gay. He's gay. We're all happy."

"Really?" Oli asked, unsure.

"Yes really," I confirmed, rolling my eyes at his pestering.

"We're good," Joe said too, smiling. I smiled back.

"Alright," Oli didn't look convinced, but he seemed to let it slide for now, "Okay so anyway, you're here now. We might as well do something yeah? I need to film a video for my next upload, we may as well do that."

"Alright," Joe nodded, "I do as well so."

"Okay good!" Oli clapped, "I have a brilliant idea!"

As Oli set up his camera's and everything, I went on my Twitter, and tweeted that i would be appearing in Oli and Joe's videos. Everyone went crazy, tagging #JASPOLI. I couldn't help but grin.

Then Oli hit record and the video started.

"What's up guys! Today i am joined by Joe and Caspar, and we're going to be doing a Harry Potter quiz! Made by me, Oli White." he stated proudly.

Joe seemed happy with this idea, however, i wasn't. I didn't have a clue about anything Harry Potter wise.

"Really?" i whined, "I'm not a Potter fan, how am i going to know the answers?"

"Caspar," Joe scolded me, "We are not named 'Potter fans' oh my god get it right! We are Potterheads, get it? Pot-ter-heads."

"I'm not one of those either." I laughed.

"Who cares?" Oli said, raising his shoulders, "We're doing this video anyway. Caspar, you'll probably know some of the answers anyway. Thats if you know the names of he characters..."

"I'm not entirely stupid Oli." I said sternly.

He looked at me, amused.

"Oh shut up!" I hissed, knowing what he was implying.

"Right, to answer a question, just shout your name, okay?" Oli said.

We both nodded, as Oli grins.

"First question! We're starting off easy. Who killed Harry Po-"

I cut him off, shouting my name, knowing that this might be the only point i get during the video.

"Caspar! That's Voldemort! I know that, it's Voldemort! Voldemort!" i shouted, childishly.

Oli and Joe looked at me in utter shock, obviously thinking that i wouldn't know the answer, even to the simplest question.

"Well done Caspar!" Oli laughed, "0-1 to Caspar."

Joe looked up for a challenge.

"Okay, second question, who did Harry marry at the end of the Deathly Hallows?" he asked.

Again, i screamed my name.

"Caspar! Ginger head! Ginny Weasley!" i yelled at the top of my voice.

Joe, again looked shocked, whereas Oli just laughed.

"2-0 to Caspar!" he chuckled. 

I stuck my tongue out cheekily at Joe, which he replied with the same.

"Next question. Who did Draco go to the Yule Ball with?"

Like i knew that.

"Joe! Pansy Parkinson!" Joe screamed, and received a point. He too, turned to face me, and stuck out his tongue mockingly. I scowled childishly.

"2-1, next question!"

As the questions were dished out and answers were given, Joe ended up winning. 8-2. Turned out my winning streak hadn't lasted long.

Oli ended the video with a smile.

"Right, we're gonna head off. I have a video to film as well," Joe said, standing up, "Caspar c'mon."

He took my hand.

I halted.

Joe panicked.

"Sorry! Oh my god! Caspar I- I didn't-" he started stuttering.

Before he could fully remove his hand from mine, i grabbed it. He looked up to me, confused.

"Joe it's fine. Calm down," i said, laughing lightly.

Oli was watching with such amusement.

"You two are both stupid. You deserve eachother."

And then we walked out the door, hand in hand, but not before i could smack Oli along his abnormally large head.

A/N late upload, but atleast it was on the right day.


Danni X

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