19. Problems

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Joe's POV

"Alright mate, thanks a lot." I said over the phone.

"Don't worry about it pal. You'll be alright yeah?" My old friend, Alex said over the line, "Look after yourself until i get there, okay?"

"Alex I'm not a child." I said tonelessly, "I can look after myself."

"Yeah, sure," He said sarcastically with a chuckle.

"Shut up," I laughed, "Anyway, i need to go inform Caspar, I'll talk to you later." 

"Alright Joe, see you in a bit!"

The phone line went dead. I put down my IPhone on my bed and walked out my room and back into Caspar's.

"Cas?" I asked, poking my head through the gap into his door.

"Yeah?" he shouted back distractedly.

I opened the door fully and walked into the room.

"My mate Alex is coming down from Wiltshire tomorrow, I was wondering if he could stay here?"  I asked him.

Caspar turned to me fully, with a expression i couldn't read, but i'm guessing it was suspicion.

"Alex?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Er...yeah?" i said uncertain, "Why? You've met him before?"

Caspar shrugged, "Sorry. Er yeah he can stay here."

I smiled gratefully, "Thanks Caspar."

As i was going to walk back out the room to text Alex, Caspar shouted me back:

"We have a slight problem however." he said.

"What may that be?" I asked him, turning back to the room.    

"Josh is also staying here tomorrow." he stated.

"He is?" i asked, confused that Caspar hadn't told me about this. Although Josh does stay at our for the majority of the time, it would be nice to know when he was coming.

"Er yeah, he asked yesterday. Where are they gonna sleep? We only have one couch?" he asked.

That was true. That makes space for only 3 people to sleep. There was 4. 

Well there was one other thing...

"We'll work that out tomorrow." I smiled, rotation 180 degrees and walking out the room. I quickly grabbed my laptop from on top of my bed and went upstairs. I saw at the counter in our kitchen and went through some of my tweets.

Most of them were questions asking about Caspar's tweet previously. I decided to ignore them, but i answered a few 'easier-to-answer' questions. If that was even a thing.

I tweeted that i'd probably be doing a video with Alex, or Josh, and smiled as people got excited.

I decided to call back Alex.

On the third ring, he picked up the phone:

"Joe!" he screamed cheerfully.

I had to move the phone away from my ear to prevent me from losing my hearing abilities

"Alex." I said, much quieter, to which he chuckled.

"What do you want, man?" he asked.

"Well i've told Caspar and he said it's fine but-" Alex cut me off.

"Cool! Okay so i'll be there round about 1 ish in the afternoon?" he said happily.

"Okay, but Caspar's friend-" he cut me off again.

"Sorry Joe, I've got to go, I'm on my work break here." he said apologetically.

"Oh right, okay. I'll text you yeah?" I asked him hopefully. All i was trying to tell him is that he might have to sleep on the floor or something.

"Alright dude, i'll catch you tomorrow."

"See you later."

And the phone line went dead.

I put my phone down on the counter and sighed. There obviously was a way to get round the whole 'only 2 beds' situation. Me and Caspar would have to sleep in the same bed. We can't expect our guests to. It wasn't like we haven't slept in the same bed before, because we have. Loads of times. It just different now.

And so awkward.

A/N Uploaddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!

So this story is kind of coming to a close, it may not seem like it is, but we're brinking the horizon guys :(

Danni X

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